Just learning


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I just wanted to reply to the adult that is not happy with their clinic. We are fortunate to live in an area where we have lots of choices in adult CF clinics. I see Dr. Stone at Lutheran General and he is FANTASTIC. Maybe you should explore other docs in the area. There are several in the Chicago area.


New member
Thanks so much for the recommendation for Dr. Stone. He would be the one I would be interested in switching to because I have heard that he really likes his patients and that means a lot to me. i am at northwestern now and although the doctors and nurses and fine i went into the hospital and it was horrible! they gave me wrong doses of important medicines like predisone, missed many breathing treatments, and the pulmonary technician even told me that my inhalers were more important than my nebulizers and that i should not even do them unless i need to! they finally sent me home after two days because they knew they messed up so much and did not want us to make a big deal out of it. since the hospital is a big part of my care i feel i should find one i like. i am going to look into Dr. Stone. thanks!

Sue 23w/ CF


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Sue - You can e-mail me if you want (rosienpete@yahoo.com). I would make the change if I were you. Your health is too important to wait.



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Rush also has an adult CF clinic. That's one of the reasons we decided to stick with them so we have the continuity of care when Ian turns 18.


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Hi! I also found out during my pregnancy. I went ahead with the amnio. I just wanted to be prepared. I think finding out ahead of time as been so beneficial. THe doc started her right away on pancreatic enzymes. She ate applesaue at 2 days old and has never had a weight problem. She is really doing wonderful. Good luck

Mommy to Emma 2yrs. w/cf