Just needed to rant....



<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Calibri>Fall is my favorite time of year. Yes it harder with some of the allergens, but way better than the heat and humidity (I work outside). I frequently interact with many people in a given day so I don't worry too much about public places like some others might; I take additional Antibiotics when my kids come home from school to let me know someone is sick or when I notice someone in the office or job site has chosen to work through a cold and I constantly have a rescue inhaler for too much perfume etc. I am not going to fault someone for working though an illness especially since I do it everyday, as a matter of fact I have not taken a single sick day since my last hospitalization in October 2009. Most of the time what ails me can not be of harm to the general public, but I do steer clear of people just incase. What I can't stand is the "look at me" sick person. The one that comes in coughs and moans, constantly blowing their nose and then putting said snot in their pocket. But wait don't order yet, they then proceed to explain just how "terrible" they feel. I'm beginning to think, hmmm why didn't you take a sick day? Or get your butt to the ICU, you surly need to be there, and then I smirk, cause I think with a respirator tube coming out of their mouth, they can't tell me I don't know what it like to feel this bad, as they proceed to spread their germy little hands all over everything because they blew into that snot rag again and didn't wash their hands after word..... Thanks for letting me Rant, Happy Dayz....</FONT></P>


<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Calibri>Fall is my favorite time of year. Yes it harder with some of the allergens, but way better than the heat and humidity (I work outside). I frequently interact with many people in a given day so I don't worry too much about public places like some others might; I take additional Antibiotics when my kids come home from school to let me know someone is sick or when I notice someone in the office or job site has chosen to work through a cold and I constantly have a rescue inhaler for too much perfume etc. I am not going to fault someone for working though an illness especially since I do it everyday, as a matter of fact I have not taken a single sick day since my last hospitalization in October 2009. Most of the time what ails me can not be of harm to the general public, but I do steer clear of people just incase. What I can't stand is the "look at me" sick person. The one that comes in coughs and moans, constantly blowing their nose and then putting said snot in their pocket. But wait don't order yet, they then proceed to explain just how "terrible" they feel. I'm beginning to think, hmmm why didn't you take a sick day? Or get your butt to the ICU, you surly need to be there, and then I smirk, cause I think with a respirator tube coming out of their mouth, they can't tell me I don't know what it like to feel this bad, as they proceed to spread their germy little hands all over everything because they blew into that snot rag again and didn't wash their hands after word..... Thanks for letting me Rant, Happy Dayz....</FONT></P>


<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Calibri>Fall is my favorite time of year. Yes it harder with some of the allergens, but way better than the heat and humidity (I work outside). I frequently interact with many people in a given day so I don't worry too much about public places like some others might; I take additional Antibiotics when my kids come home from school to let me know someone is sick or when I notice someone in the office or job site has chosen to work through a cold and I constantly have a rescue inhaler for too much perfume etc. I am not going to fault someone for working though an illness especially since I do it everyday, as a matter of fact I have not taken a single sick day since my last hospitalization in October 2009. Most of the time what ails me can not be of harm to the general public, but I do steer clear of people just incase. What I can't stand is the "look at me" sick person. The one that comes in coughs and moans, constantly blowing their nose and then putting said snot in their pocket. But wait don't order yet, they then proceed to explain just how "terrible" they feel. I'm beginning to think, hmmm why didn't you take a sick day? Or get your butt to the ICU, you surly need to be there, and then I smirk, cause I think with a respirator tube coming out of their mouth, they can't tell me I don't know what it like to feel this bad, as they proceed to spread their germy little hands all over everything because they blew into that snot rag again and didn't wash their hands after word..... Thanks for letting me Rant, Happy Dayz....</FONT></P>


Staff member
Yep, we have a number of self important individuals who show up to work constantly sick. Drives me nuts! Two years ago, we had a consultant show up with obvious flu symptoms. Fortunately, one of the department heads tossed him out and called his boss and suggested he send him home and/or to the doctor. Guy had h1n1. Cost me and DH a script for tamiflu because we both were in close contact with him throughout the week in meetings.

When I go to the break room I wipe off the table with a clorox wipe and I never ever touch the community food/snacks that people bring. One guy never washes his hand and always digs in the christmas popcorn tin. Bleah!


Staff member
Yep, we have a number of self important individuals who show up to work constantly sick. Drives me nuts! Two years ago, we had a consultant show up with obvious flu symptoms. Fortunately, one of the department heads tossed him out and called his boss and suggested he send him home and/or to the doctor. Guy had h1n1. Cost me and DH a script for tamiflu because we both were in close contact with him throughout the week in meetings.

When I go to the break room I wipe off the table with a clorox wipe and I never ever touch the community food/snacks that people bring. One guy never washes his hand and always digs in the christmas popcorn tin. Bleah!


Staff member
Yep, we have a number of self important individuals who show up to work constantly sick. Drives me nuts! Two years ago, we had a consultant show up with obvious flu symptoms. Fortunately, one of the department heads tossed him out and called his boss and suggested he send him home and/or to the doctor. Guy had h1n1. Cost me and DH a script for tamiflu because we both were in close contact with him throughout the week in meetings.
<br />
<br />When I go to the break room I wipe off the table with a clorox wipe and I never ever touch the community food/snacks that people bring. One guy never washes his hand and always digs in the christmas popcorn tin. Bleah!


New member
I had to jump in on this one. I so agree. Way too many people piss and moan about being sick all the time. I don't go to work and say you know I'v been up all night coughing and couldn't breathe and complain all day about it. I constantly see it on facebook which really annoys me. Take something for your cold, flu, headache, whatever it is instead of posting it on facebook. In 2008 I went to work 2 days after having my gallbladder out. I was in pain but I was at work.

That's my rant. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I had to jump in on this one. I so agree. Way too many people piss and moan about being sick all the time. I don't go to work and say you know I'v been up all night coughing and couldn't breathe and complain all day about it. I constantly see it on facebook which really annoys me. Take something for your cold, flu, headache, whatever it is instead of posting it on facebook. In 2008 I went to work 2 days after having my gallbladder out. I was in pain but I was at work.

That's my rant. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I had to jump in on this one. I so agree. Way too many people piss and moan about being sick all the time. I don't go to work and say you know I'v been up all night coughing and couldn't breathe and complain all day about it. I constantly see it on facebook which really annoys me. Take something for your cold, flu, headache, whatever it is instead of posting it on facebook. In 2008 I went to work 2 days after having my gallbladder out. I was in pain but I was at work.
<br />
<br />That's my rant. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
This is becoming a serious issue in the US. Presenteeism (going to work sick) costs US companies about $180 billion a year. A lot of companies are starting to open their eyes and either give employees paid sick time or send sick employees home. I hope more of them catch on. Then again, I went to work for a week with pneumonia, until I finally had to be hospitalized. In my defense, we were understaffed and there were no extra medics to fill my shifts. So, I wore an N95 mask to protect my coworkers and my patients. Then Friday I landed in the ED myself with a fever of nearly 104F.

As an aside, if you're ever in the hospital with an ungodly fever and feel like crap, ask for Toradol. It will kick a fever in a matter of minutes. The chills and aches disappear and you feel 80% better. It's hard on the kidneys, so you can only be on it for about 5 days.


New member
This is becoming a serious issue in the US. Presenteeism (going to work sick) costs US companies about $180 billion a year. A lot of companies are starting to open their eyes and either give employees paid sick time or send sick employees home. I hope more of them catch on. Then again, I went to work for a week with pneumonia, until I finally had to be hospitalized. In my defense, we were understaffed and there were no extra medics to fill my shifts. So, I wore an N95 mask to protect my coworkers and my patients. Then Friday I landed in the ED myself with a fever of nearly 104F.

As an aside, if you're ever in the hospital with an ungodly fever and feel like crap, ask for Toradol. It will kick a fever in a matter of minutes. The chills and aches disappear and you feel 80% better. It's hard on the kidneys, so you can only be on it for about 5 days.


New member
This is becoming a serious issue in the US. Presenteeism (going to work sick) costs US companies about $180 billion a year. A lot of companies are starting to open their eyes and either give employees paid sick time or send sick employees home. I hope more of them catch on. Then again, I went to work for a week with pneumonia, until I finally had to be hospitalized. In my defense, we were understaffed and there were no extra medics to fill my shifts. So, I wore an N95 mask to protect my coworkers and my patients. Then Friday I landed in the ED myself with a fever of nearly 104F.
<br />
<br />As an aside, if you're ever in the hospital with an ungodly fever and feel like crap, ask for Toradol. It will kick a fever in a matter of minutes. The chills and aches disappear and you feel 80% better. It's hard on the kidneys, so you can only be on it for about 5 days.
Ok Jonathan...you have me worried. I take tramadol for knee pain (which I have experienced its wonders for a fever, but I leave a fever to advil) I don't take it everyday, just when needed and usually it tales quite a while to go though a rx (which is usually 20 100mg doses and around 3 months or so depending)

About going to work sick, I don't work, but I am a student. College isn't too bad about it bc people are more understanding (especially in the nursing program), but in high school I would constantly get sent home for a cough or fever or sinuses even though I was no where near contagious. As far as people whining and complaining- sometimes I just wish they could feel like me for a few days- but if I take sick days I would spend my life in bed....
Ok Jonathan...you have me worried. I take tramadol for knee pain (which I have experienced its wonders for a fever, but I leave a fever to advil) I don't take it everyday, just when needed and usually it tales quite a while to go though a rx (which is usually 20 100mg doses and around 3 months or so depending)

About going to work sick, I don't work, but I am a student. College isn't too bad about it bc people are more understanding (especially in the nursing program), but in high school I would constantly get sent home for a cough or fever or sinuses even though I was no where near contagious. As far as people whining and complaining- sometimes I just wish they could feel like me for a few days- but if I take sick days I would spend my life in bed....
Ok Jonathan...you have me worried. I take tramadol for knee pain (which I have experienced its wonders for a fever, but I leave a fever to advil) I don't take it everyday, just when needed and usually it tales quite a while to go though a rx (which is usually 20 100mg doses and around 3 months or so depending)
<br />
<br />About going to work sick, I don't work, but I am a student. College isn't too bad about it bc people are more understanding (especially in the nursing program), but in high school I would constantly get sent home for a cough or fever or sinuses even though I was no where near contagious. As far as people whining and complaining- sometimes I just wish they could feel like me for a few days- but if I take sick days I would spend my life in bed....