Just out of curiosity...........



How long has been everybodies longest hospital stay been. My boys were in for over 4 months when diagnosed. Last year they were in twice, the second time being for 2 months. It seems every time they are admitted something else is found wrong with them which results in a prolonged stay!


New member
Sydney (2 wcf) was admitted for 1 night when she was diagnosed with CF (at age 1). So far, that is it.

Kelli (sydney's mom)
I was in for 1 month but I was also pregnant and having the baby at the time so that was partly why. Otherwise I usually stay for 2 weeks but have stayed for 3 before.

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
When i was born i was diagnosed then and i was in the hospital for over 3 months i think my longest one recently was 3 weeks


New member
What caused the three month hospital stay? Just worried cause I'm a few weeks away from givng birth to a baby boy with CF.


New member
7 weeks at birth (MI); various IV -related stays ranging from 2 - 5 weeks. Most recent were 4 wks in April and 5 wks in June/July.


To Anoymous who asked if I was from the US, no Im in Canada . On of my twins was admitted today, Dr says for at least three weeks. Wonder how long this one will really be?!


New member
Jen, what I guess the main cause of my long stay at birth was due to mecullium Illeus (sp) and i guess complications from that.


New member
I was in the hospital for one year. I'm not joking. It was the cops fault though.

All I did was rob a bank in Austin with a couple friends of mine. Everything was going well, until one of the idiot clerks pushed a panic button.

To make a long story short.... The cops showed up, my friends took off on foot, I followed. Unfortunately, with only 53% lung capacity, my left lung collapsed and my right lower lung caved in. As a result, I couldn't go to jail right away, plus with the extensive lung damage, a few good lawyers who proved the cops were in the wrong for chasing me, and receiving a heart lung transplant 7 months after the cops brutalized me, I actually never did any real jail time.

The judge was really cool and sympathetic to my plight. Because I betrayed my friends and turned them in, plus helped uncover a hooker/drug ring and received a heart lung transplant, the judge wished me luck, and sent me on my way with time served in the hospital.

Sean 27m-convict w/CF

**** Tommy J --- Were gonna get you out real soon! ****


New member
My son was in from birth to 5 and a half months old. He was born 3 months early, had MI, had 5 surgeries. He was in for 16 days after being at home for almost 2 months due to poor weight gain. Christina, mommy to Gabe, 9 months old.


New member
Mel, where in Canada are you from? I'm in Regina, SK. Sorry, I'm new here, how old are your twins? My son is a surviving twin. His brother passed away due to being 3 months premature and complications due to cf. Christina


Im from Ontario. The boys are identicle twins and have just turned 11. Only the one is in the hospital right now, actually its the first he has been admitted with out his brother. Hes holding up pretty good on his own though, it was easier for him today cos I took his brother in for a few hours which put a smile on his face.


New member
I don't know exactly how long it was, but several months (from when I arrived in the UK and was diagnosed with CF - when I was a baby)... and that's the only time I've had to stay in fortunately.