Has anyone ever heard of a patient on Kalydeco, who hasn't responded well and has ended up with a transplant anyway?
My husband is 35 years old, has been on Kalydeco since it was a study drug. He just finished his transplant workup and will be listed soon. We are curious to find out if he will continue Kalydeco post transplant. We will have to keep you posted....
OK so kalydeco does not reverse lung damage. It can significantly slow down or stop any future damage caused by defective CFTR genes. It is not a cure, if at any time you stop taking the drug your DNA is still faulty and your cells will not function properly. With that said, if you have enough lung damage to require a transplant you will still need a transplant. The good news, if your on kalydeco it is possible to not ever damage your new lungs. That's right you could live the rest of your life with 100%lung function as long as your on kalydeco. The bad news, kalydecos actual cost is between 300 and 400 thousand dollars a year. That's 50k a month, hospitals don't typically carry it because of cost and insurance and Medicare are trying to refuse it in several States