Seriously, did I read that right, 150. Out of the tens of thousands with CF. Happy for those 150. But I am not HOLDING MY BREATH waiting for the mainstream medical community. Going that way, I would have expired 3 years ago. And even if the med works for me, it does nothing to reverse existing damage.
Everyone needs to know about the adult stem cell therapies. Had 2 so far and alive because to them. The CF doctors do not want to hear about it. In fact if you talk to your doctors, they might even retaliate against you. My CF docs said adult stem cells do not work. They were confident about that. Not sure how they could be confident without any proof or clinical trials one way or the other. As intelligent doctors and scientists, the only unbiased, intelligent thing they could have said is, "we don't know"! Lack of proof does not mean that something is not true, it simple means that you don't know with certainty. And the definition of proof is not exclusive to the concept of "clinical trials". There are other ways to prove something.
But now 3 years later and 2 treatments later, I AM PROOF! Got my life back, immune system strengthened (have not caught cold in over 2 years), osteoporosis reversed without meds. I can breathe better, whereas before I could speak a complete sentence because I was gasping for breath even at rest. Less than a year after the second treatment, I came off oxygen and was able to get out of the house everyday -- without oxygen. Before I could not leave the house and had trouble crossing the living room, on oxygen. And ready for this -- Have not had or needed a tuneup since Spring of 2011. That is 3 years without a tuneup. Before that, I was getting tuneups every 3 months. And early 2011 had 3 tuneups back to back which did not improve my condition and almost killed me. We had to leave Nashville for my safety.
Now in S. FL. and my new CF doctor does not think I have any proof and that the stem cells don't work. But at least he talks to me like an adult. At the last appt in December 2013, he said I was doing well and do not need a tuneup. He cannot explain why I am doing so well, but still thinks the stem cells don't work, because I have no proof. I told him, "I AM THE PROOF". My stem cell doctor (Near Naples, FL) has treated over 700 patients with heart problems, COPD, pulmonary hypertension, MS, spinal cord injuries. Over 700 proofs walking around partially or completely healed through adult stem cells.
I still do my inhalers and vest to clear out my lungs. I do that huffing breathing exercise to cough and push up the mucous. My FEV1 is better, it went from about 10% to nearly 30%. But I have learned that the PFT's do not reveal everything that is going on in the lungs. They do not explain the difference in my body between almost dead, and able to walk around all day with out oxygen. They don't explain the difference between not being able to drive anymore (due to a brain fog from lack of O2 to the brain and excess CO2) to driving from Delray Beach to Naples FL by myself and spending a couple of days there to attend a luncheon (recognizing the team of people pioneering the adult stem cell therapies).
I for one, am looking forward to more adult stem cell treatments for further reversal of the damage in my lungs. But I have not proof.