Katie Beckett


New member
I am a 27yr old mother with a 9yr old son with cf. I am needing some advice to help me get his Katie Beckett medicaid approved. I just got a final denial and it really does not make much sense. He also just got out of the hospital 3wks ago. Can someone tell me what to do?


New member
Hi Brandi, sorry i don't know the answer to your ?. But maybe if you post it on the adults section you will get some great responces.

Hope this helps.


New member

I was going to ask the same question as Lisa just did but also, can you get us some specifics of the reasons why they denied you? That will help us point you in the right direction/gather some information that can help you out with this.


New member
Debbie the programs let children with complex medical needs quality for Medicaid for home care without considering the income of the parents.

Here's a link to the program in Wisconsin <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.dhfs.state.wi.us/bdds/kbp/">http://www.dhfs.state.wi.us/bdds/kbp/</a> .

The exact criteria vary from state to state. In some states,the child must be considered "nursing home eligible" in others the child can have more functionality.


New member
Hi Brandi - What state do you live in? We live in Alaska and we're in the process application for TEFRA, which is the Katie Beckett Act. Morgan has been approved for 2 parts of the process, we're just waiting on the disability part. Our care coordinator helped us fill out all the paperwork and application, she said she'd be really suprised if Morgan wasn't accepted. I think only about 20-25 states offer this program. It's so wonderful, I'm really praying we get it and I hope you find some help. Do you have a care coordinator that's helping you?


New member
I live in the state of Georgia and for some reason almost everyone is getting denied. They are saying that my son doesn not have to have 24 hr nursing and that he does not have IV antibiotics but he just got out of the hospital about 3 weeks ago and was on antibiotics. It is very frustrating going through this. I have never had a problem like this before. I t seems like no one knows what to do and everybody here says they do not know much about Katie Beckett. I have called our cf clinic and tried to talk to the social worker but it is hard getting to talk to her. I was just wanting to know what information do i need to give the state. I have already gotten the clinic to provide info. but they still denied him.


New member
Have you appealed the denial?
I mean when you say "final denial" do you mean that you applied once and then were denied, or you applied once, were denied, appealed, and then the appeal was denied.

Because from reading this newsletter <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.lgtinc.org/categories/Media/?Page=2">http://www.lgtinc.org/categories/Media/?Page=2</a> it sounds to me like Georgia is trying to tighten things up and that getting Katie B for a kids with fairly mild CF, will certainly be tougher than it used to be and that you could almost guarantee that you would be turned down the first time and then have to appeal.

I'm sure you know about this site <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://dch.georgia.gov/00/channel_title/0,2094,31446711_31946814,00.html">http://dch.georgia.gov/00/chan...46711_31946814,00.html</a> that has all of the forms that need to be filled out. And I assume that your kid's doc and social worker is behind you 100% in getting Katie Beckett for you and that the doc has done a good job filling out DMA 6(a) .

Can you tell us more about how you've handled the process so far and who you are working with? Maybe we could help more then...


New member
I work for Early Intervention in the state of Rhode Island, and occasionally people who should qualify get denied... fight it! If your parent has a Parent Information Network, they can be a huge help. Also some states have child advocacy groups.