Keeping healthy when out and about


New member
Hi All, this is Amanda posting for ChestMaster. Marten (the inventor of the ChestMaster device) and I travel together quite a bit for work and I've come to see germs everywhere now, just like he does! I read about this new jacket developed to help mitigate all those germs and thought I'd share. It looks like a great idea for CFers and anyone else who might have a compromised immune system.


New member
Based on quick google results, there is no evidence that supports any of the claims this product is making. i would be weary of such products and keep up vigilance around basic, common sense infection control practices:
* Wash your hands (or wear gloves)
* Try not to touch your face
* Cover your cough (inner elbow or tissue if you have it)
* Get vaccinated for the flu
* Stay home if you're sick


New member
I agree, you wouldn't want use it to replace any of the best practices you listed. It could just possibly be used as an extra precaution, if one felt so inclined. It will be interesting to see if they do any testing with it to verify their claims.