Keeping Hydrated


New member
In case anyone is interested, we recently discovered a product called "SmartWater". It is basically like pediatlyte or unflavored gatorade. Our 3 year old w/CF would not drink pediatlyte or gatorade in any flavor but happily drinks this, which has no taste, but has the extra electrolytes we've been told are important. It's been nice to have around for the hot dry weather we've had lately.


New member
We just discovered these in our store. Evidentally the neighbors kids drink them all the time. Its nice to have some other choices. I didnt pay attention to the price tho, are they expensive?


New member
sorry, I don't know what the SmartWater costs but I doubt my spouse would buy it if it seemed out of line with the price of gatorade.


New member
SMart water is by the same people who make fruit water and vitamin water. . . You can find cases of it at sams or costco sometimes (I'm US, so i don't know international). It contains magnesium, potassium and calcium. However, it is important to note that it does not contain sodium. In comparison just 8 ounces of gatorade has 110 mg of sodium. But Gatorade also has sugars. . .


New member
you could also try lucozade sport drinks as these too have high sodium content like most sport drinks because they replace the electrolytes whilst you are training


New member
Some people with CF are encouraged to take in additional sodium.
I'm one of them. My doctor recommended that I keep a salt shaker
with me in my purse/backpack, etc. and during the summer month be
sure to drink plenty of water with some salt added. I typically do
a heaping tablespoon into a gallon of water.