Keeping your lungs in shape


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I'm in a pumonary rehab program at the local hospital, and I love it! I do weight lifting and endurance exercsing 3x a week at the gym and daily exercises at home. It has really helped me feel better ad improved my lung fuction a bit (I've only been in 2 mo).
23 w/ CF


shamrock has it right, swimming is the way to go. Not only do you have to take varying depths of breath you hold your breath and exhale longly, it is autogenic therapy itself. Personally I usually run annd play basketball, many others seem to have a harder time running though.



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Yeah I've a hard time running-jogging just isnt my thing! Im more of a water person and the thing about swimming is no matter what your lung function, you can still do it! (i think, cas i know when mine dips, ive a hard time running and walking)


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i also go to a pulmonary rehab program at my local badaid station hospital.i walk on treadmill,ride bicycle, do nustep sometimes and arm crank thing. i have only been going since last may after i had to give up working.


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Currently, spinning (indoor cycling), and swimming (though rarely) if i can find a good pool. Hiking sometimes.



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Hi I went to a pulmonary rehab but the class was only for 6 weeks. Does the ones you go to have a limit on the classes? Does your insurance cover it? I really liked it but likew I said it was only 6 weeks. Thanks for your input.


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The rehabs here are only covered by insurance for so long but then you can sign up and pay out of pocket yourself. Here, they're only like maybe $50?? a month and that's for an hour, 3 days/week. Cheaper than a gym but you're limited to certain days/times. They also don't monitor you like they did when you were "required" to attend; however, they are there if there's any problems and will monitor you if you need it that particular day (ie quick check before/after exercise with no monitoring while exercising unless your pre-check indicates you need it.) HTH.


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I do everything! Swimming is my favorite thing in the world I could swim for hours on end. Also running I have found does the best work for getting rid of the junk down there. Any cardio that gets your breathing quicker helps me!


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Yoga, you wouldn't believe how well it works, especially if you can't handle very strenuous exercise. Personally I have arthritis and a bad shoulder from dislocating it in high school so I can't swim or run. But a big part of yoga involves controlled breathing.


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I used to swim and it was awesome! I had the highest PFTs of my life (130s). I wish I could still do it, but I have transportation and scheduling issues because of working and being a mom. Right now, I do the stairs at my apt. as well as jumping jacks (someone on here recommended them, thanks), push ups, crunches...I've found, for me, that anything using my arms is better than not. It gets me breathing harder because the muscles used for breathing are the same ones you use with your arms, so it stresses your breathing more than say, cycling. But, I do love a bike-ride, taking a walk...I'm not much of a runner, I wear out pretty fast - always have. OH! My daughter and I have a game that's good exercise. We stand at the edge of the driveway (at the street) and kick a ball as far as we can up the driveway to the yard. Then we run as fast as we can to get it and bring it back to the starting point. Then we do it again. Kind of like modified eraser drills. It's fun and she helps keep me going long after I'd lose interst.


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just wanted to say that i just got back from a 3 week trip from the Dead Sea in Israel..this was the best trip of my life. my lungs are still thanking me. i encourge you all to do some research on the dead sea. the air is amazing and does wonders for your lungs. i did 10 wk of pul rehab and i thought that was the best i would feel. Israel i wasn[t on my TOBI or pulmozyme and wsn't on my nightly 2liters if oxygen. not only did i not get sick or wheezy or show any sign of infection for the first time i was able to walk and exercise without feeling like i was gonna pass out. there is a terrific center run by an amazing man named benny pinkas. there are so many benefits and good evidence that this place works, too much for me to type so check out the website not only will you feel so much better Israel is a beautifel place. good luck to everyone. catherine 25


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Hi Catherine , I just looked at the website for that place it sounds good but I couldn't find a price list how much was it? And how come you weren't on your Tobi - I never get to come off it unless it's to switch to Colomycin?



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hi roo- i was off my tobi because i alternate months on and off. i was off for feb. sometimes when i feel bad i start back on it a little sooner. thankfully i didn't have to be on it while i was there. ok, for the price..with airfare the 3 week trip cost about $3,000. WELL WORTH IT. also that included everything, food, treatments and hotel. if you have any more ? you can email me, luck catherine