Kindergarten troubles


New member
I am new to this site, but certainly not a new CF parent. My husband and I are starting to feel quite alone in parenting a child with CF. We have many friends and family who will solicit their advice(wanted or not) but no one has actually had any experience with CF in any way. Our daughter is almost 6 years old and has two copies of deltaF508 and wasn't diagnosed till 16 months old when it was almost too late. She was the only one in our entire family to have CF…we didn't even know what CF was until her diagnosis. Since then, she has endured many tune-ups and hospitalizations due to pneumonia or pseudomonas. So many people try to make us feel better by saying, "But she looks so healthy, CF must not affect her too much." I would say, I do consider her a relatively healthy little girl…but it is hard work!
My husband is active duty in the military and we recently moved to Maryland. It has not proven to be a very good move for our daughter because she has had 2 hospitalizations in 2 months. When we lived in Washington state, she could go a whole year without a tune-up. This past summer, we struggled with the idea of sending her to Kindergarten in public school. She had a tune-up right before the school year began and we sent her. She LOVED it. She is such a social and happy little girl. However, she couldn't shake any colds and ended up being admitted through the ER within a month of school starting. She had pneumonia is both lungs, labored breathing and losing weight. After the 3 weeks of nursing her back to health with IV meds and extra PT, we were forced to reconsider our decision to send her to Kindergarten in public school. I work from home part-time and we also have a 4 year old (without CF). We now keep Sydney home with the help of the Home and Hospital program(public school provides a tutor at home 6 hours a week). We still goes to gymnastics and a gym and art class at the Y to stay socialized and active. However, she is rebelling and angry at this point. She got a taste of public school and she is angry that she can't go back without getting sick. She is very disrespectful to her tutor…often yelling at her and throwing things. When the tutor asks her how things were done in the classroom she will reply angrily, "I don't remember! It's been so long since I was in school"
We obviously don't condone the disrespectfulness from our daughter and are very upset with it. However, she is obviously hurting and upset with her situation. She wants to go to school but doesn't want to get sick…

I have thought about taking the tutor out of the equation and homeschooling her myself. That is uncharted territory and I'm worried she may eventually resent me as well. Not to mention, that option doesn't help with her anger about not going back to school. We don't know what the right path is at this point and we are just curious what other parents have done with their school aged children with CF??


Staff member
We were fortunate in that DS mostly had digestive issues. Also, because DH and I both work full time, we placed him in daycare. This wasn't a casual, off the cuff decision for us. We chose a daycare center we were comfortable with in terms of germ control, sick policies... because eventually we knew ds would be going to school. We did decide if that didn't work for us, we would look at other alternatives --- nanny. Fortunately ds did fine. He did get a few colds the first year, a stomach bug. We normally do 3 vest treatments a day and bump it up to 4 or even every 4 hours if he's feeling under the weather. Our school does enforce their sick policy -- the first year he went was during that horrible flu season and the school was VERY strict about this. I was concerned with sending ds to school, knowing how some parents send their kids to school when they're sick, just the nature of schools in general. I DO know of parents who send their kids to school, but then during flu season have a homebound program where they stay home during that time and have a teacher come to their home or homeschool them.


Active member
I doubt that there is anything about Maryland that is making her sicker than Washington State. Double Delta F508 is a serious form of CF. I would suggest that you start by having serious conversations with the individual members of her CF Team Tell them what you have said here. I would especially look to the Social Worker for input into controlling her tantrums.


hi... I am the mom to two boys (men) with ddf508.. the boys right now have mostly digestive issues but usually are in 2-3 times a year but usually are very mild.... one diagnosed 45 days after birth and the other one thru genetic testing when I was 4 months pregnant..

I know it is different in every case but both of my boys went thru the public schools.. we had a health plan..and a 504 plan (school not insurance) plus making all aware how important things like hand washing, bathroom breaks as needed.. etc... was to their health... in my opinion, I feel it's more detrimental to the kids to be isolated than to go to school... there are things you can do and the school must comply under the law... i'm sure you know this but she needs to understand her disease to what she can as a 6 y.o. she has to deal with it for the rest of her life.. I always have a chat with the nurse and the teacher before school to make sure everyone is on board with the plan... (when he was in kindergarten.. he got to take a special friend to the nurse everyday to take his 'beads' with lunch.. )

my youngest just went thru what the doc call the 'adolescent slide'.. meaning that he didn't want to take meds or do treatments and of course he paid the price... lost weight and two hospitalization in 3 months.... but he eventually figured out that he has to do what he needs to do to stay as healthy as he can.. which is something she'll have to learn..

we got a therapist for our youngest so he could talk to someone who was non biased... and could offer solutions.. especially about being 'different'..

as far as other people telling you 'she doesn't look that sick' or whatever... inform them... or ignore... but don't let it get under your skin.. you have so much going on with her.. don't let stupid comments take up space in your head!!!

take care of yourself too!! :)


New member
We homeschool. My youngest has CF and is finishing up preschool , but we will homeschool him too. Not because of CF though :)