Ladies-2ndary inf from IV's


New member
Hi Ladies, I have been on 2 different antibiotics pill form for 2 weeks. They didn't work for my exasperation I'm having. Anyway Now on 2 different IV antibiotics for 2-3 weeks. I have developed a yeast infection and I'v tried the diflucan it helped but not completly during the process I used Over the Counter product. It helped but its not gone completly either. I still have 2 more weeks of antibiotics. What do you all do? Do you keep using the stuff untill your IV's are done. The last time I was on IV's the yeast was so bad I blistered. Sorry for the info but I don't want to get to that point. It was horrible and it took so long to go away. This is my 2nd time ever on IV's so I need some input. Thanks. Becky


New member
You need to eat a ton of yogurt. It has the good bacteria that your body needs to keep yeast under control. The infection will probably not completely go away until the antibiotics have been flushed from your system but it will help. Also smearing a little plain yogurt on topically can be very soothing and get the bacteria where it needs to be a little faster. It may sound a bit gross but it really works. Just make sure you label that container of yogurt so you don't get mixed up.
I just went through the same thing a few weeks ago. My doc prescribed the diflucan for me to take daily for a week and a half (that was the remainder of my IV treatment), instead of the one time dose that you would normally take. I have this problem everytime I go on IV meds, it's such a pain in the butt (...err, other area....)!!


New member
Have you tried a cream called Nystatin? or something the sounds like that?
It is a topical cream, so will help to relieve the external itchiness, etc. It is by prescription only.
We hope you find something that works SOON!


New member
I usually take diflucan every day that I'm on IV's. And I have my docs write a Rx so I can have it around just in case any oral antibiotics cause a problem.
24 w/ CF


New member
Thanks so much. I knew all of you would have some ideas that would work. I just didn't want it to get to a point where it was the last time and I know if I just let it go until my IV's are over will be really bad by then. I will call the doc tomorrow. I eat yogurt already but will definatly eat lots more. Becky


New member
I also keep a prescription for diflucan...but I also use acidophilus. It is over the counter..found by the vitamins. It is used to help kill bacteria that live in the body. It has helped me alot. I take it all the time...and tends to help keep the infections down.
31 w/CF


New member
Uh, just so everyone is clear, yeast is a fungus, not bacteria. We all have it but the "good" bacteria keep it under control, when you're on antibiotics that good bacteria is killed too so the yeast goes crazy. So using more antibiotics (creams or otherwise) won't help.


New member
Diflucan is an antifungal pill. It's not an antibiotic. FYI. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I busted out some of our home remedy books (like one from Reader's Digest) and they say eating garlic helps, as does taking baths in a tub with 1/2 cup salt and a 1/2 cup white vinegar in the water. Good luck.


New member
I have a handful of home remedies for yeast infections (i.e. yeast overgrowth) listed on my "Wellness" page (<A href=""></A>) you can use tea tree oil, vinegar, acidophilus, HSO, calendula, gentian violet, yogurt (make sure it has live cultres in it or make your own). Check the site to see how to use these different remedies. They can be used individually or in some sort of combination (i.e. topical and ingested or a couple of ingested and a topical, etc.)Hope that helps. Yeast is NO fun. PS - If your mouth/tongue/throat ever hurt or the corners of your lips crack during or following antibiotics, that is thrush. The oral version of a yeast infection.AND - make sure you keep up any remedy for several days past when you get relief AT LEAST. Otherwise your body may not be fully recovered and the residual effects of the antibiotics can cause the overgrowth to return. It is best to keep up the regimine past the point of residual antibiotic effects and the point at which your body rebalances itself (sometimes a few weeks depending on the length of the duration of antibiotic therapy).