Ladies: what are your cholesterol levels?


New member
Just curious...

I (with little help from a close-minded OB/GYN) have been trying to figure out possible causes of my low estrogen levels, which have resulted in amenorrhea for a few years now. I haven't had cholesterol done in my blood work - at least that I've seen - for almost four years, but at that time it was very low, 92. 200 is the conventional cut-off for normal / high, but I've heard experts say women especially should have at least 200 because we have more hormones to synthesize. So, I was wondering what the cholesterol levels of other CF women are like, because I want to know if mine are abnormal even for CF'ers. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find much data online. Any insight into the issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Super Moderator
the last time i had mine done was a few months ago and my total cholesterol was 127 (HDL was 46, triglycerides were 104 and LDL was 60--definitely need to bring my good cholesterol up but otherwise it's pretty good). hope this helps!


I can give u a data point at the other end of the spectrum. I am at the lower end of a normal BMI, exacerbations bring me under, yet I have clockwork periods and high cholesterol btw 220&240.
(nonCF bronchiectasis)


Thanks Melissa and jaimers. If you don't mind my asking, Melissa, are you pancreatic insufficient?

No PI for me. I don't have CF--I was sweat tested for CF as a baby and adult, and my numbers were low normal. (No mutations in a limited panel either.) I think the pulmonary situation is primarily what keeps me from gaining weight. Though my digestion is not perfect, it's nothing compared to what people with CF deal with. I have reflux, some esophageal dysmotility, and I can't eat large fancy meals or commercial baked goods or things containing sorbitol without having a sweaty, crampy gut-emptying bathroom event. I mainly try to eat a lot and space it well.
My doctor told me (I'm 39 w/CF and PI) that CF cholesterol levels are usually pretty good. He said that's because, like protein, we don't absorb the cholesterol from our food, either. My numbers have always been on the low end.


New member
My doctor told me (I'm 39 w/CF and PI) that CF cholesterol levels are usually pretty good. He said that's because, like protein, we don't absorb the cholesterol from our food, either. My numbers have always been on the low end.

By "good," did your doctor just mean as low as possible? My mother was told something similar about m by my doc when I was young. I think way too often people forget about the fact that cholesterol is necessary and has a lot of functions in the body, and they just concentrate on getting a low number...hence this thread.


New member, another question I have. Do CF'ers tend to have a hard time making their own cholesterol? The more I read about it, the more I hear people say that the vast majority of our blood cholesterol is not dietary but is that produced by our livers and small intestines.


New member
My cholesterol was 134(HDL 49, Triglyceride 68, LDL 71). Mine was actually high the last time I had it checked. I should probably increase my HDL and lower my LDL slightly since I have diabetes. (31yo)