hi h20sportmom,im sorry to hear of what you are going through right now and i hope you get an an answer either way.well i had a few symptoms,i think the main reason i wasnt diagnosed was because i was pancreas sufficient and was a chubby little child <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i had my adenoids removed at 5 and i had chest infections every year and sinusitis,when i hit puberty the cough worsened and i had chronic sinusitis,after recurring anti biotics and steroids not working i was sent to an ent surgeon who said i had polyps in my nose and a deviated septum that was blocking off my sinuses and causing a nasal drip to my chest so i had several ops to correct my nose,the cough got worse so i was sent to another doctor,diagnosed with asthma and then tested for cf a second time(with the ent surgeon a sweat test was ordered,i was told i had been sent for one but i actually hadnt,i was having so many test that my family didnt notice the difference,the imaginary test came back negative) and i tested positive for cf,so thats how it happened,doctors can be very doubting,they thought my mother was exaggerating all the time and of course she wasnt so persevere if you arent happy with what they are telling you.oh also i have one common cf gene delta f508 (i think) and a rare one that im not sure of,ill find out and tell you what it is,i hope this has helped a bit and good luck with your son,i hope he's healthy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">