Hi! I am 21 years old and am trying to find answers. For all my life, I have been underweight despite eating like a pig nonstop! Now, I am 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 90 lbs, and my weight went up a few pounds after being on steroids. I cannot remember having major respiratory illnesses growing up despite a few cases of bronchitis; however, I did always have shortness of breath when doing physical activity. Additionally, I have always had nasal congestion throughout my life. This past year I have been rushed to the hospital 4 times due to being out of breath. Three of these times were due to coughing fits which happened after being active, and the other time was due to simply walking back to my dorm in the cold. Along with being out of breath, I have had what seems like thick mucus in my throat for quite a few years now, and this mucus seems to be getting thicker over time. I was referred to a pulmonologist and underwent breathing tests, and I was then told I was only breathing at 40% my expected rate! Additionally, he noted that I had trouble breathing out as well as breathing in. I am now on albuterol as well as advair 250/50 which I take 2 times a day. Additionally, I was put on flonase nasal spray a few months ago in hopes of thinning out the mucus in my throat and helping to relieve my congestion. I was also told at my next visit that if there is no improvement I will be put on Singulair. I underwent allergy testing, which showed no major allergies. I am still struggling and am noticing my breathing is making it increasingly difficult for me to participate in activities I used to do. I brought this up at my well visit with my general practitioner a week ago and was told to possibly look into getting a differential diagnosis as she had no idea what else to tell me. I start school in less than a month and will be student teaching, so I really hope to be able to get this all under control so it does not affect my teaching. I was searching online and came across cystic fibrosis and read about it possibly being a mild case diagnosed in adulthood. I was wondering if any one had any experience with this or had any other suggestions for me. Any input would be greatly appreciated!