Latest update on Lo


New member
Greetings all Losey's Posey's,

Miss Lo is in ICU and her family has gotten to visit several times already.

Technically I don't think Lo is awake but... she seems to light up when her daddy is nearby, has squeezed his fingers and smiled at him. Terry says it was only a smile a parent could notice but there was no doubt... it was a smile. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Lo has a team of folks ensuring she is right on track, including one person dedicated to monitoring her every moment. She is still in the stage where progressed in monitored in terms of hours vs days or weeks but at this point the hours are going well.

The next BIG step would be to take her off the ventilator, which may happen as early as tomorrow or may take much longer. It all depends on sweet Lo's progress.

Biggest prayer requests right now are 1) that her body will not reject the lungs and 2) that they don't experience any problems with any germs or bacteria or bugs that make it more difficult for Lo to recover.

Terry ended our conversation by saying "they are the most blessed family in the world. All they have to do is show up and their friends & family take care of them." It's a good life with much to be thankful for today.

Please continue to forward these emails to those not yet included and send me any addresses that need to be on the distribution list. (We just found a huge pocket I'd missed earlier today - yikes!!)


New member
Sending many prayers in hopes that all works out as planned for Lo. What a blessing to be give this opportunity. I'm also praying for the family that had to lose a love one for this miracle to happen. How generous they were in their time of grief to want to reach out and give the gift of life. God Bless them.


New member
Wonderful update, thanks for sharing it Joanne!!! Many thoughts and prayers for the family!


New member
That is AWESOME!!! I am so excited for them...they are in our thoughts and prayers and we wish Lo a quick recovery! Thank you for sharing the news. I met them a few years ago while attending a CF function in Houston and they were (and are) such an inspiration! I wish them the best of luck!!



New member
Got this off of another board <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) (Amanda, Mommy to Kenzie and Ethan)<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

So clearly Lo Detrich has never felt compelled to be "average" in any aspect of her life. Everyone she meets, she embraces as though they've been long lost friends. Everything she does, she embraces with complete, unfiltered passion. So why should a lung transplant be any different?

I expect the conversation went something like this...
"Doc, you say I have to wait to move out of ICU until tomorrow? You say I get to try taking a few steps tomorrow? Doc, why the wait? No time like the present big guy!"

Shortly thereafter, Miss Lauren Chevalier Detrich took her first few steps... followed by a few more... then a few more and before she was done she walked 120 yards. For you sportsfans, that's the length of an ENTIRE football field - goal post to goal post!!!

Needless to say, they are moving her out of ICU right now. Needless to say, the doctors report she's progressing at a "way better than average" pace, some might even say an extraordinary pace!

Has everyone read "The Spirit of Lo?" It might be a good time to re-read it. There's a chapter that talks about Uncle Don's dad's words of wisdom as he went into surgery when he was a squirt...
"You'll get through this surgery just fine, Donny. You know the saying we live by: My name is Detrich. Give me the toughest job you've got."

Looks like Miss Lo is not about to let that legacy change with her.

I was going to try to find out the next big milestones, along with a time line for each of them... things like how long will she be in the hospital? How long does she have to stay in STL? When will she be home in Tulsa? But now I think I'll just enjoy each new milestone as Lo defines the time line.

Until next time... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Another one... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) (Amanda, Mommy to Kenzie and Ethan)

The e-mail I forwarded earlier was actually incorrect re: the distance
Lo walked yesterday (the day after her transplant) was really
over 300 yards. Yes that's the length of 3 football fields. I talked
to Terry a few minutes ago and everyone is amazed. She was off the vent
at 9:30 yesterday morning, well under 24 hours after surgery and they
have removed numerous IV large one from her neck, the
arterial line and others. I believe she told me that she only has one left
in her neck and two chest tubes. They were going to remove the chest
tubes today because she has very little drainage but decided to wait
until tomorrow just to be on the safe side. She is now out of ICU and on
an observation unit until the chest tubes are out. From Terry's
description re: the attention received from the staff I gather that it was
like moving from the Ritz to Motel 6!

Keep them in your prayers that things will continue to progress as
smoothly as they have so far. God is so awesome!


New member
Much continued health and healing to Miss Lo! She will be in my thoughts. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">