Lazy or unfit?


New member
Gosh are these runs compolsery? A mile in 5 minutes-that seems a bit of a tall order for anybody! But nice one to all the cf-ers who did it under the time and to those who finished!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/camera.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
lol Caren. Be more proud. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> If he lies and doesn't give a note to a teacher about meds he needs, then you can be mad. Hehehe. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

It is about time a rattled a cage around here!

With FEV1's in the 40's I imagine it is difficult to remain active I applaud your efforts. I am a firm beilever in "wellness" and activity is part of it. I would recommend to the lady that says her sons lung function is good but has no tolerance to get a pulmonary stress test. Deconditioning is a medical fact, CF or not it happens. I am "lucky" because of good medicine and hard work, I run at least three times a week and take the best care of myself possible. I agree as far as the defects go mine is a better one, but lucky is only part of it.

Luke 29/cf and paying back a #@$% in state taxes


New member
Hey like I said, exercise helps a lot. I know that. I was just making a point that there are those of us who are unable to run regardless. I had an old CFer girlfriend who died at 21. There was a girl in my town who died in the 3rd / 4th grade area. There was a boy in a nearby town with CF who died around age 3-5 in the last year or two. I know some of my CF girls younger than myself or around my age, who are in worse condition.

There are a lot of us who do our meds religiously, exercise, and all that, and it still only gets you so far in some cases. Exercise I'm sure has a lot to do with your good condition. But so does your environment, your particular CF case, your infections (or lack thereof), etc etc. Coll said it before. There are those of us who do everything we can and still end up with pretty crappy health. That does NOT make it our fault in way, shape, or form, and I resent the fact that you made it seem that way. CF is different for every person. You have the ability to run. Many of us do not. We CFers tend to have a pretty good time, and tend to do pretty well, but still, eventually, you'll hit a wall. There's only so much you can do.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with you, Luke. I just hate when people get the impression that I'm not doing perfectly because I'm not doing the right things. That it's somehow MY fault. And the last person we need adding to that stereotypical thinking is a fellow CFer, someone who actually understands from the inside. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I just wanted to second what Emily said. I've tried my hardest my whole life to keep lung functions up, but they've invariably fallen, and I'm now not sure if I could run a few laps without stopping for rest.


New member
I myself dont think of cf as being an excuse, but as THE REASON WHY.but i never had any troubles all through school, i keep up with other kids fine, played sports, p.e., rollerblading was my favorite, i was very active never having troubles. until i was 19 i got cirrhosis of the liver and after that my lung function gradually went down. i delivered pizzas at pizza hut for 7 years, just quit last april and i worked the last 5 months being on oxygen and ya tips got alot better when i started lugging the o2 to the door but it also was wearing me down and i was going in for ivs every 5 weeks so i figured it was time to quit. so then i started going to pulmonary rehab to excercise and i still go. i do 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2mph and 25 in the bicycle and 10 on the arm crank thing and on 6 liters of oxygen. somedays are harder than others but i do my best and i believe its because of exercising that i have the strength and energy to go do things with my friends, go shopping, or anything i do. all in all i think i am a very active person for having a 12-14% fev1. but on the occasional days that i need to stay home and rest or am to wore out to do anything, cf is not my excuse,it is THE REASON.


New member
when I was in High school, my doctor excluded me from PE all together. It's an idea, if you really cant handle it, just talk to your doc. Schools will have to listen to them, most PE teachers work you too hard anyway, they all seem to think everyone can work as hard as one another, and they dont like taking excuses, so my advise would be to get out all together and work at your own pase at home


New member
Shamrock, Yes! Though, I don't agree with Emily65Roses with regard to "to a degree". You can do anything you put your mind and will behind. The only distinction is that you have to take things a little slower and be smarter than most others, and you have to be patient with the results you hope to achieve. I have found it takes much longer to achieve physical results on account of having CF. But I have done everything I have put my mind to. Example, I use to have a FEV1 of 70-75%. Due to the doctors failing to diagnose parasites for over 9 months, my function dropped to 37% with a high of 52%. I was that way for just over two years. The CF Doctors were content on assuming my new base line was 52%. I even had aspergillus (lung fungus-which they said I couldn't get rid of.) It has been a long a difficult (and expensive) road, but today my (FEV1) function is up to 62% and rising. And I arrived here by using nothing but nutritional supplements, vitamins, diet, and exercise. I haven't been on an antibiotic for over 12 months, not even orals, as they were contributing to the strength if the parasites, and funguses. Last month I tested negative (for the second time in 2 months) for aspergillus.

If you want to get in shape, you can. Know this. Just be smart, patient, and take it slow. We have limitations having CF, but who imposes those limitations? And who said we can't exceed those limitations. If you are smart about your diet, consuming nutrients, use antibiotics with discretion, and maintain hope, you'll surprise everyone -yourself most of all. Best of luck.


New member
I have to add one more thing. Running is one of the physically toughest activities on the body due to stress impact and the demands it makes on your cardiovascular system. Even when I had strong lung function, running took extra will to perform. A smarter exercise would be cycling (outdoors or indoors on a spinning bike), swimming (slowly at first -it is physically easier than running but requires more skill and cardiovascular effort). If running is your goal, start by walking (fast if you like). Try playing with a soccer ball or Frisbee. Running around keeping your mind on the ball/Frisbee helps keep your mind off your physical distractions. I use one of those Polar Heart Monitors to measure and analyze my performance, that way I can keep myself with safe exercise parameters, and I can easily measure my improvements. I would like to get one of those necklace finger pulse oximeters to measure my O2 intake, but they are expensive. If you can, use that too. Lastly remember, if you are exercising try to boost your intake of healthy natural food. Scandishake is horrible -full of sugar, dairy, and synthetic garbage. Try blending instead frozen blueberries with organic apple juice and pure egg whites or egg white protein powder with out additives (J. Robb makes a good powder). Garbage in garbage out. Be smart. Oh! And try not to be self-conscious about coughing around yourself or others (it can be tough). Don't hold back what needs to come up. If you want some ideas on how to maintain some privacy when you exercise let me know and I’d be happy to offer you some ideas.


Debbie - I would love to hear more about your program to enhance lungs, upper body etc. I work out 5 x per week, pump aerobics and general gym workout stuff - Hate cardio of course - Love to hear any specifics you do