Learning about CF in school


New member
oh and to answer your questions

1.<b>Should I tell my teacher I don't want to learn about CF in school?</b> if you really really realllllllyy don't want people to know, then tell her. however, i think if you were to tell people this would be the best time, and just tell your teacher your situation how it affects you so she can teach it in that type of way. and learning about the scientific aspects can be REALLY interesting

2.<b>Should I offer everything I know about CF when (if) we learn about it and then tell my friends I have CF, even though I'm not sure if I'm ready? Or offer everything I know and lie? Or...IDk, any other suggestions.</b> when I was in fifth grade i did a whole report about CF, I brought in my vest, my nebulizers, made a poster and ensured everyone I was living a normal healthy life. this really helped everyone to understand me and my situation, especially at such a young age. maybe you could see if you could help out in the class lesson about CF. like I said, now would be the best time to tell your friends. the more they know, the better they will understand. whatever you do DONT lie! it isn't worth it. you are going to have this disease your whole life and things will be a LOT more complicated if you lie about it.

<b>3.Is it really such a big deal to learn about CF in school?</b> As I said, I've learned about it. I'll admit, I felt a little emotional at the time but it wasn't incredibly awkward. You learn about so many other diseases and people think nothing of it, so just go about it like this is just another topic in your science class. Mentally prepare yourself before the class begins and you'll be fine! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
oh and to answer your questions

1.<b>Should I tell my teacher I don't want to learn about CF in school?</b> if you really really realllllllyy don't want people to know, then tell her. however, i think if you were to tell people this would be the best time, and just tell your teacher your situation how it affects you so she can teach it in that type of way. and learning about the scientific aspects can be REALLY interesting

2.<b>Should I offer everything I know about CF when (if) we learn about it and then tell my friends I have CF, even though I'm not sure if I'm ready? Or offer everything I know and lie? Or...IDk, any other suggestions.</b> when I was in fifth grade i did a whole report about CF, I brought in my vest, my nebulizers, made a poster and ensured everyone I was living a normal healthy life. this really helped everyone to understand me and my situation, especially at such a young age. maybe you could see if you could help out in the class lesson about CF. like I said, now would be the best time to tell your friends. the more they know, the better they will understand. whatever you do DONT lie! it isn't worth it. you are going to have this disease your whole life and things will be a LOT more complicated if you lie about it.

<b>3.Is it really such a big deal to learn about CF in school?</b> As I said, I've learned about it. I'll admit, I felt a little emotional at the time but it wasn't incredibly awkward. You learn about so many other diseases and people think nothing of it, so just go about it like this is just another topic in your science class. Mentally prepare yourself before the class begins and you'll be fine! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
oh and to answer your questions

1.<b>Should I tell my teacher I don't want to learn about CF in school?</b> if you really really realllllllyy don't want people to know, then tell her. however, i think if you were to tell people this would be the best time, and just tell your teacher your situation how it affects you so she can teach it in that type of way. and learning about the scientific aspects can be REALLY interesting

2.<b>Should I offer everything I know about CF when (if) we learn about it and then tell my friends I have CF, even though I'm not sure if I'm ready? Or offer everything I know and lie? Or...IDk, any other suggestions.</b> when I was in fifth grade i did a whole report about CF, I brought in my vest, my nebulizers, made a poster and ensured everyone I was living a normal healthy life. this really helped everyone to understand me and my situation, especially at such a young age. maybe you could see if you could help out in the class lesson about CF. like I said, now would be the best time to tell your friends. the more they know, the better they will understand. whatever you do DONT lie! it isn't worth it. you are going to have this disease your whole life and things will be a LOT more complicated if you lie about it.

<b>3.Is it really such a big deal to learn about CF in school?</b> As I said, I've learned about it. I'll admit, I felt a little emotional at the time but it wasn't incredibly awkward. You learn about so many other diseases and people think nothing of it, so just go about it like this is just another topic in your science class. Mentally prepare yourself before the class begins and you'll be fine! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
oh and to answer your questions

1.<b>Should I tell my teacher I don't want to learn about CF in school?</b> if you really really realllllllyy don't want people to know, then tell her. however, i think if you were to tell people this would be the best time, and just tell your teacher your situation how it affects you so she can teach it in that type of way. and learning about the scientific aspects can be REALLY interesting

2.<b>Should I offer everything I know about CF when (if) we learn about it and then tell my friends I have CF, even though I'm not sure if I'm ready? Or offer everything I know and lie? Or...IDk, any other suggestions.</b> when I was in fifth grade i did a whole report about CF, I brought in my vest, my nebulizers, made a poster and ensured everyone I was living a normal healthy life. this really helped everyone to understand me and my situation, especially at such a young age. maybe you could see if you could help out in the class lesson about CF. like I said, now would be the best time to tell your friends. the more they know, the better they will understand. whatever you do DONT lie! it isn't worth it. you are going to have this disease your whole life and things will be a LOT more complicated if you lie about it.

<b>3.Is it really such a big deal to learn about CF in school?</b> As I said, I've learned about it. I'll admit, I felt a little emotional at the time but it wasn't incredibly awkward. You learn about so many other diseases and people think nothing of it, so just go about it like this is just another topic in your science class. Mentally prepare yourself before the class begins and you'll be fine! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
oh and to answer your questions
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<br />1.<b>Should I tell my teacher I don't want to learn about CF in school?</b> if you really really realllllllyy don't want people to know, then tell her. however, i think if you were to tell people this would be the best time, and just tell your teacher your situation how it affects you so she can teach it in that type of way. and learning about the scientific aspects can be REALLY interesting
<br />
<br />2.<b>Should I offer everything I know about CF when (if) we learn about it and then tell my friends I have CF, even though I'm not sure if I'm ready? Or offer everything I know and lie? Or...IDk, any other suggestions.</b> when I was in fifth grade i did a whole report about CF, I brought in my vest, my nebulizers, made a poster and ensured everyone I was living a normal healthy life. this really helped everyone to understand me and my situation, especially at such a young age. maybe you could see if you could help out in the class lesson about CF. like I said, now would be the best time to tell your friends. the more they know, the better they will understand. whatever you do DONT lie! it isn't worth it. you are going to have this disease your whole life and things will be a LOT more complicated if you lie about it.
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<br /><b>3.Is it really such a big deal to learn about CF in school?</b> As I said, I've learned about it. I'll admit, I felt a little emotional at the time but it wasn't incredibly awkward. You learn about so many other diseases and people think nothing of it, so just go about it like this is just another topic in your science class. Mentally prepare yourself before the class begins and you'll be fine! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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I think your under estimating your friends. My daughter let her school know what is going on. Now when she is in the hospital or missing alot of school the kids know and don't make a big deal out of it. The more you can educate people the better I think. It does'nt define you unless you let it. It is science and who knows maybe just maybe someone in your class will study it and find a cure. Talk to your teacher give her/him a chance. Tell him/or her your concerns.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


I think your under estimating your friends. My daughter let her school know what is going on. Now when she is in the hospital or missing alot of school the kids know and don't make a big deal out of it. The more you can educate people the better I think. It does'nt define you unless you let it. It is science and who knows maybe just maybe someone in your class will study it and find a cure. Talk to your teacher give her/him a chance. Tell him/or her your concerns.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


I think your under estimating your friends. My daughter let her school know what is going on. Now when she is in the hospital or missing alot of school the kids know and don't make a big deal out of it. The more you can educate people the better I think. It does'nt define you unless you let it. It is science and who knows maybe just maybe someone in your class will study it and find a cure. Talk to your teacher give her/him a chance. Tell him/or her your concerns.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


I think your under estimating your friends. My daughter let her school know what is going on. Now when she is in the hospital or missing alot of school the kids know and don't make a big deal out of it. The more you can educate people the better I think. It does'nt define you unless you let it. It is science and who knows maybe just maybe someone in your class will study it and find a cure. Talk to your teacher give her/him a chance. Tell him/or her your concerns.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


I think your under estimating your friends. My daughter let her school know what is going on. Now when she is in the hospital or missing alot of school the kids know and don't make a big deal out of it. The more you can educate people the better I think. It does'nt define you unless you let it. It is science and who knows maybe just maybe someone in your class will study it and find a cure. Talk to your teacher give her/him a chance. Tell him/or her your concerns.
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<br />Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


In biology last year like half the year was spent on genetics, and like a whole quarter on genetic diseases. We even had to do a research paper on a genetic disease. I got a 100%- I did it on cf. lol. I even got to list myself as a source. Honestly I didnt even research the thing. It was super easy to write about the treatments when you live with it- and are typing it up during vest- lol.
I know what you mean though, and my only suggestion is to tell your science teacher straight up. If they're not completely evil to the core they'll understand. This year I have the same (wonderfull) science teacher as last year for chemestry, but I found out doing a lab that the smell of alchohol (like rubbing alchohol) gives me panic attacks, because I associate it with dressing changes and general pain subconciously. My science teacher said I was excused from ant part of a lab that had to do with alchohol. My point is, tell your teacher. And then talk to someone like a counselor or something- because sooner or later like it or not you're going to have to face CF being a normal part of your everyday social life. (no offense, we all do too. For some its harder than others)


In biology last year like half the year was spent on genetics, and like a whole quarter on genetic diseases. We even had to do a research paper on a genetic disease. I got a 100%- I did it on cf. lol. I even got to list myself as a source. Honestly I didnt even research the thing. It was super easy to write about the treatments when you live with it- and are typing it up during vest- lol.
I know what you mean though, and my only suggestion is to tell your science teacher straight up. If they're not completely evil to the core they'll understand. This year I have the same (wonderfull) science teacher as last year for chemestry, but I found out doing a lab that the smell of alchohol (like rubbing alchohol) gives me panic attacks, because I associate it with dressing changes and general pain subconciously. My science teacher said I was excused from ant part of a lab that had to do with alchohol. My point is, tell your teacher. And then talk to someone like a counselor or something- because sooner or later like it or not you're going to have to face CF being a normal part of your everyday social life. (no offense, we all do too. For some its harder than others)


In biology last year like half the year was spent on genetics, and like a whole quarter on genetic diseases. We even had to do a research paper on a genetic disease. I got a 100%- I did it on cf. lol. I even got to list myself as a source. Honestly I didnt even research the thing. It was super easy to write about the treatments when you live with it- and are typing it up during vest- lol.
I know what you mean though, and my only suggestion is to tell your science teacher straight up. If they're not completely evil to the core they'll understand. This year I have the same (wonderfull) science teacher as last year for chemestry, but I found out doing a lab that the smell of alchohol (like rubbing alchohol) gives me panic attacks, because I associate it with dressing changes and general pain subconciously. My science teacher said I was excused from ant part of a lab that had to do with alchohol. My point is, tell your teacher. And then talk to someone like a counselor or something- because sooner or later like it or not you're going to have to face CF being a normal part of your everyday social life. (no offense, we all do too. For some its harder than others)


In biology last year like half the year was spent on genetics, and like a whole quarter on genetic diseases. We even had to do a research paper on a genetic disease. I got a 100%- I did it on cf. lol. I even got to list myself as a source. Honestly I didnt even research the thing. It was super easy to write about the treatments when you live with it- and are typing it up during vest- lol.
I know what you mean though, and my only suggestion is to tell your science teacher straight up. If they're not completely evil to the core they'll understand. This year I have the same (wonderfull) science teacher as last year for chemestry, but I found out doing a lab that the smell of alchohol (like rubbing alchohol) gives me panic attacks, because I associate it with dressing changes and general pain subconciously. My science teacher said I was excused from ant part of a lab that had to do with alchohol. My point is, tell your teacher. And then talk to someone like a counselor or something- because sooner or later like it or not you're going to have to face CF being a normal part of your everyday social life. (no offense, we all do too. For some its harder than others)


In biology last year like half the year was spent on genetics, and like a whole quarter on genetic diseases. We even had to do a research paper on a genetic disease. I got a 100%- I did it on cf. lol. I even got to list myself as a source. Honestly I didnt even research the thing. It was super easy to write about the treatments when you live with it- and are typing it up during vest- lol.
<br />I know what you mean though, and my only suggestion is to tell your science teacher straight up. If they're not completely evil to the core they'll understand. This year I have the same (wonderfull) science teacher as last year for chemestry, but I found out doing a lab that the smell of alchohol (like rubbing alchohol) gives me panic attacks, because I associate it with dressing changes and general pain subconciously. My science teacher said I was excused from ant part of a lab that had to do with alchohol. My point is, tell your teacher. And then talk to someone like a counselor or something- because sooner or later like it or not you're going to have to face CF being a normal part of your everyday social life. (no offense, we all do too. For some its harder than others)


New member
we did a little bit on cf too in my bio class. i'm pretty secrative about my cf too. i have told my friends but only my really close ones. anyway when we covered cf i just kept my mouth shut and just acted like i had never heard of it and i was leaning about it for the first time. when my teacher talked about it i was way nervous cuz i thought people might figure out i have it since i have all the sings of it Duh! and i'm sure i turned bright red but no one said anything to me except my friend cuz my teacher mentioned that they were very close to finding a cure which i knew was wronge and my freind was like c anna it will be gone soon and they were all excited though i knew it wasn't true and told them so. part of me wished i had said something about me having it cuz all the kids would know what it was but i am also glad i didn't cuz its nice to just be a normal kid to everyone except for the part that it seems like i have a cold all the time. You know it would be kinda interesting to know what kids at school who don't know i have cf are thinking about me ( that had like nothing to do with the questinon but oh well) It was interesting learning about cf so i think u should just learn about it but don't say anything if ur not ready to tell people. the only bad thing about people not knowing is they always wonder where u went when ur in the hospital i just tell people i was either at home or that i went somewhere


New member
we did a little bit on cf too in my bio class. i'm pretty secrative about my cf too. i have told my friends but only my really close ones. anyway when we covered cf i just kept my mouth shut and just acted like i had never heard of it and i was leaning about it for the first time. when my teacher talked about it i was way nervous cuz i thought people might figure out i have it since i have all the sings of it Duh! and i'm sure i turned bright red but no one said anything to me except my friend cuz my teacher mentioned that they were very close to finding a cure which i knew was wronge and my freind was like c anna it will be gone soon and they were all excited though i knew it wasn't true and told them so. part of me wished i had said something about me having it cuz all the kids would know what it was but i am also glad i didn't cuz its nice to just be a normal kid to everyone except for the part that it seems like i have a cold all the time. You know it would be kinda interesting to know what kids at school who don't know i have cf are thinking about me ( that had like nothing to do with the questinon but oh well) It was interesting learning about cf so i think u should just learn about it but don't say anything if ur not ready to tell people. the only bad thing about people not knowing is they always wonder where u went when ur in the hospital i just tell people i was either at home or that i went somewhere


New member
we did a little bit on cf too in my bio class. i'm pretty secrative about my cf too. i have told my friends but only my really close ones. anyway when we covered cf i just kept my mouth shut and just acted like i had never heard of it and i was leaning about it for the first time. when my teacher talked about it i was way nervous cuz i thought people might figure out i have it since i have all the sings of it Duh! and i'm sure i turned bright red but no one said anything to me except my friend cuz my teacher mentioned that they were very close to finding a cure which i knew was wronge and my freind was like c anna it will be gone soon and they were all excited though i knew it wasn't true and told them so. part of me wished i had said something about me having it cuz all the kids would know what it was but i am also glad i didn't cuz its nice to just be a normal kid to everyone except for the part that it seems like i have a cold all the time. You know it would be kinda interesting to know what kids at school who don't know i have cf are thinking about me ( that had like nothing to do with the questinon but oh well) It was interesting learning about cf so i think u should just learn about it but don't say anything if ur not ready to tell people. the only bad thing about people not knowing is they always wonder where u went when ur in the hospital i just tell people i was either at home or that i went somewhere


New member
we did a little bit on cf too in my bio class. i'm pretty secrative about my cf too. i have told my friends but only my really close ones. anyway when we covered cf i just kept my mouth shut and just acted like i had never heard of it and i was leaning about it for the first time. when my teacher talked about it i was way nervous cuz i thought people might figure out i have it since i have all the sings of it Duh! and i'm sure i turned bright red but no one said anything to me except my friend cuz my teacher mentioned that they were very close to finding a cure which i knew was wronge and my freind was like c anna it will be gone soon and they were all excited though i knew it wasn't true and told them so. part of me wished i had said something about me having it cuz all the kids would know what it was but i am also glad i didn't cuz its nice to just be a normal kid to everyone except for the part that it seems like i have a cold all the time. You know it would be kinda interesting to know what kids at school who don't know i have cf are thinking about me ( that had like nothing to do with the questinon but oh well) It was interesting learning about cf so i think u should just learn about it but don't say anything if ur not ready to tell people. the only bad thing about people not knowing is they always wonder where u went when ur in the hospital i just tell people i was either at home or that i went somewhere


New member
we did a little bit on cf too in my bio class. i'm pretty secrative about my cf too. i have told my friends but only my really close ones. anyway when we covered cf i just kept my mouth shut and just acted like i had never heard of it and i was leaning about it for the first time. when my teacher talked about it i was way nervous cuz i thought people might figure out i have it since i have all the sings of it Duh! and i'm sure i turned bright red but no one said anything to me except my friend cuz my teacher mentioned that they were very close to finding a cure which i knew was wronge and my freind was like c anna it will be gone soon and they were all excited though i knew it wasn't true and told them so. part of me wished i had said something about me having it cuz all the kids would know what it was but i am also glad i didn't cuz its nice to just be a normal kid to everyone except for the part that it seems like i have a cold all the time. You know it would be kinda interesting to know what kids at school who don't know i have cf are thinking about me ( that had like nothing to do with the questinon but oh well) It was interesting learning about cf so i think u should just learn about it but don't say anything if ur not ready to tell people. the only bad thing about people not knowing is they always wonder where u went when ur in the hospital i just tell people i was either at home or that i went somewhere