At her last routine CF appt, my almost 8yo dd cultured pseudomonous for the first time. We will be going into the hospital this week for IV anti-biotics. They want her there for two weeks but we will be pushing to bring her home for home IVs as soon as possible. She has been in the hospital twice before (for a diabetes scare and for a kidney infection) and we always stayed with her 24hours a day. My husband keeps talking about possibly leaving her alone for periods of time. This makes me nervous for several reasons. I think she would be scared to be left alone. We've had instances of doctors changing her medication without consulting us and I would want us there to monitor that. And finally, there were times when nurses or doctors would come in to examine her and we would have to remind them to put on masks. I was just curious what other parents do when they have a child in the hospital. How old was your child the first time you left them alone for a period of time? How long would you leave them alone?