Leaving for good


New member
I'm leaving due to this web site not allowing people to be them selves. I felt sorry for Angie and I think just because she was upset we should not of had all her post deleted. She was in need of some one to talk to you could tell that by what she said and how she said it. I was pissed at her for saying I should of been aborted but unlike some poeple I didn't take offense to it, she was upset at this damn disease and needed to go off. I have seen where people on this web site want to have sex and talk dirty on here and not a damn thing happens to them. I found a site that has CF people on it and they are willing to allow you to vent and go off for no reason that is the web site I need not where people are so touchy they don't allow people to vent.Good Bye, Melissa 30 w CF and working full time 8 hours a day 40 hrs a week


New member
its sad that you have been frightened away by a sad child with nothing better to do.....also am fairly certain that this problem will beresolved soon....cant say any more except that harrassment on the internet is illegal......anyway, just ignore them! whenever you see the name angie, just dont read the post! its not that hard!! remember they are just some sadcase who has too much time, it shouldnt stop you talking to all the brilliant supportive people on here.


New member
Read the first post again, last anonymous. She wasn't complaining that Angie had posted, she was complaining, that Angie's post had been deleted. She said Angie had every right to complain and was pissed that people deleted the entry. And I for one, agree. I don't remember Angie's post (if I read it at all), but everyone has a right to bitch and complain here if they feel like it.


New member
What ticked me off about Angie's posts was that she was attacking others in a very offensive way. If you want to swear, fine. If you want to vent about your own anger, fine. That's what this place is for. But DO NOT get on here and tell everyone that they're babies, they should get over it, ect. and sound like a moron while doing it. Angie meant to be offensive, and meant to get people upset, and that is wrong. This is a place of support and it is not appropiate for someone to get on here and try to piss everyone off. Debbie23 w/ CF


New member
OK, I have to chip in here=) I don't mind the occassional curse word, but the "F" word has no place here. I personally believe any entry w/ that on it should be deleted. I'm totally offended by it. She could have eluded to that word, not just blatently put it out there just to get shock value out of everyone.Thanks for giving me a place to let me opinion be known. I promise I won't try to offend you!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
No offense everyone.....But you are on the Web!What do you expectI don't agree with the way some people talk about their emotions,but.....we are in a free environment.....Don't get me wrong...We should all be able to give our opinion just like you all have here, and as I am doing.Just realize that EVERYONE should be allowed to give their opinion whether it includes words you don't like or not.


New member
melissa, i honestly dont think angie was genuine. dont leave because of some kid who comes on here to stir trouble. besides, i dont call what she did 'venting'.Kylie


New member
I think that the moderators of this site should make it so that you have to register and sign in, in order to leave a message......you can still remain anonymous to the public by altering your name and so on.....but as far as I am concerned there are way to many "Anonymous" posts as it is.....and quite often it is someone who is here already and just wants to cause problems or say something without being repremanded for it by their peers.We all have our own association to this disease.....we have to live with that, we do not need people who do not understand provocing fights among us. People with this dreaded disease have the right to vent, I agree....but remember the sensitivity of some viewers.....and if you are a sensitive person, then stop reading when it becomes to vulgar or disgusting for you. We all have feeling and by God we have a right to share them, to an extent.That's just my two cents worth......Lynn


New member
thats a good idea. ive always posted under anon because i havent been bothered setting up an account. by the way, is it free?Kylie


New member
I am unaware of what Angie said. I agree people have the right to vent. But we must also consider the fact that there are probably some young ones that read this site. Not that we need to shelter them from our frustration, but they need support and that is important for us to give. It is also important for us to watch the wording we use, clean wording is important. Call me old fashion, but I think we can get our points across without using dirty or vulgar language. This is a family site, let's remember that. Sarah26 w/cfPS. I will register, so I too am no longer anonymous


New member
I will be sad to see Melissa go also, but not Angie....she was offensive and nasty! There are ways to get your point across without being mean and vulgar. This is a good web site with lots of nice people and a good place to vent and get answers and opinions. But all of that can be done without all of the nastiness that can come with some people.


New member
Any kind of censorship is an affront to the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights. To censor anyone for their opinion no matter how much one may disagree with that opinion is unpatriotic. Hopefully cysticfibrosis.com will make a decision... Either they are in support of the United States Constitution or they are against it.


New member
Honey, no one is trying to censor their opinion, just censoring the distastful way in which they are expressing their opinion. There's no reason to be using the F-bomb and telling people what to do. Telling people what to do is not an opinion, that's dictatorship, which last time I checked was an affront the the Constitution too.


New member
Just because an opinion may be distasteful to some, does not warrant censorship. Secondly, expressing a viewpoint on how people should behave or act, is not the same as passing an unconstitutional law telling people how to behave and act. This slippery slope, or dominoe theory that if one person expresses an unpopular opinion then everyone will adopt the unpopular opinion is ridiculous. Did the fall of South Vietnam in 1975 cause all of Asia's governments to adopt communism? I don't think so. Oh yeah, and I especially love the "Protect the Children" approach to censorship. This asinine ideology that if we don't censor all "unfavorable material" circulating in the mass media "Little Johnny" will grow up to be a pornographer or heathen law breaker. How ridiculous, un-educated, and blind! Censorship of any kind is unconstitutional and is unpatriotic. People should be able to express any idea they please in this country. A democracy cannot exist in an environment that is hostile to unpopular viewpoints. To believe otherwise is delusional and misses the entire point of the US Constitution. The idea that an opinion has to be acceptable to the general populace in order for it to placed in a "non censored" category is absurd. Thank you,Sean 26/m w/CF


New member
What you advocate is freedom without responsibility- that inevitably tramples the rights of others who wish to free themselves of such nonsense. The moment your freedoms impose on others, you become the oppressor- nevermind the constitution. Make no mistake, freedom without responsibility are merely reduced to privilege and indulgence. Your argument against 'saving the children' by protecting them is simply a means of buying the children time to understand what it is they are being exposed to. It isn't rocket science, and defying authority or society just for the sake of defiance, and having no other substantive point, speaks volumes about those who preach it.WiShBoNeP.S. Sean, you've demonstrated that you needn't cuss to make a point... Cussing adds nothing to an argument or position, it only makes people sound ignorant.


New member
kybert its a option in the profile section after u register, did it to me too, took a while to figure out how to fix it, if u still cant let me know ill give u a step by step to fixing it....