Leaving for good


New member
Any act of speaking out against the popular viewpoint is "defiance." Martin Luther King Jr. defied the South's very popular and widely supported segregation laws by speaking out against it. Harry S. Truman defied popular opinion by openly supporting the full integration of blacks into the military.The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992 openly defied the popular and conservative idea that the US Government should stay out of Corporate America's business (Keep big brother out of American lives and business). If it was not for the ADA, people with Cystic Fibrosis and other diseases would be practically unemployable.US colonists defied British Law by refusing to pay outrageous taxes, and wrote documents speaking out against British authority and encourcouraging revolution. Ted Koppel defied the United States Governments wishes and openly read the names of 700 soldiers who died after President Bush announced major combat in Iraq to be over.Upton Sinclair wrote the "Jungle" exposing the meat packing industry and their filthy packing habits despite many people's wishes not to have such material released to the public because the result would mean job losses for many Americans working in the Meat Packing Industry. In the United States today, cable and satelite television offers hundreds of channels, millions of books have been written, and one cannot turn the dial on a radio without successful finding a radio station.We live in a mass media world offering thousands of opinions that to some are agreeable and others not so agreeable. It does not matter who you are, you will find something offensive. Just remember, what is offensive to you, is not offensive to the person next to you and vice versa.But here is one option that those in the classic HG Wells "1984" novel did not have: The right to turn off an offensive TV/Radio program, the right to not read a book you find offensive, and the right to monitor your childrens and your own media choices. Heck, you don't even have to own a TV/Radio, read a book or for that matter go outside if you don't want to.We have a document, the US Constitution, that guarrantees each American the right to free speech and freedom of the press. We can choose to either use it, or lose it. Sean 26m w/CF


New member
You REALLY think that sensoring a post such as the one below constitutes as supressing freedom of speech?!?!?!thats not freedom of speech, thats just abusive!! if everyone was allowed to say anything they wanted there would be no end of unhappiness!"hey sluts and dicks does CF stand for Cunt Fuckers "lovely.


New member
When you reach the status of MLK jr or Upton Sinclair or even Harry Truman, then I'll pay more attention to what you have to say... until then, you're just another anarchist searching for a cause and additional freedoms that simply just don't exist. Lemme guess, you're a skateboarder??


New member
So let me get this straight... If I don't want myself or my kids to be exposed to some radical garbage, I should be content locking everyone up in our homes to be 'protected'? I'd feel much better about the notion of being able to find such inuendo as opposed to it finding me. This is CysticFibrosis.com, not pantsmygovernment.org.... how about we stick to the relevant issues that those of us are more concerned with, as opposed to discussing politics? Just my two cents-Wes 30wcf