Let me reword this...here is a lady with CF that needs our voices to be heard...


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

This article had nothing to do with federal health care, it is the state that is having to make the cuts because of their budget problems. Arizona has never done a good job prioritizing anything from education to immigration. It is all backwards.I grew up in Arizona, i watch the state make cut after cut. I have had AHCCCS and frankly i was surprised that the offer of transplants were even covered by the state's health care. I have had AHCCS and they always seemed to find some loop hole that screwed over those they claimed to insure. My heart goes out to Tate and her family and loved ones. There should be some another way. California offers State Government healthcare service known as GHPP Genetically Handicap person's program that does cover most needs of those born with a genetic disease. It is has not been cut from the government provided services since the federal healthcare overhall occurred. California is even in a worse state economically than Arizona.It is a shame that Arizona would do such a thing and a disgrace. and after Oct 1 it will be tragic.
<br />
<br />Robyn
<br />
<br />former Arizona resident, CF partner


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

Blame the person who is clueless about the disease and states it will re-infect the new lung. If you are going to talk about something at least don't give out false statements.


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

Blame the person who is clueless about the disease and states it will re-infect the new lung. If you are going to talk about something at least don't give out false statements.


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

Blame the person who is clueless about the disease and states it will re-infect the new lung. If you are going to talk about something at least don't give out false statements.


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

(Her statement has yet to have been proven false. There culd be more cuts coming down the road by any state or by the government.)

I read this article and am so sad for this girl and her family. And for the other families that will be effected by this budget cut. Whether it is because of the whole government health care issue or just a state making a poor decision; it is a tragedy.

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

(Her statement has yet to have been proven false. There culd be more cuts coming down the road by any state or by the government.)

I read this article and am so sad for this girl and her family. And for the other families that will be effected by this budget cut. Whether it is because of the whole government health care issue or just a state making a poor decision; it is a tragedy.

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

(Her statement has yet to have been proven false. There culd be more cuts coming down the road by any state or by the government.)
<br />
<br />I read this article and am so sad for this girl and her family. And for the other families that will be effected by this budget cut. Whether it is because of the whole government health care issue or just a state making a poor decision; it is a tragedy.
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

If anyone is interested in e-mailing some letters to try and help get this decision reversed....we (Scott and myself) have them listed below. Scott and my father have written many already today.
Yes, we are aware that was a state decision due to budget cuts....if one state is hurting with it's deficit so badly that it is cutting lives...what do you think is going to happen when our gov't (who as a nation is extremely in debt)trys to provide healthcare to the entire country? This could be just the beginning, and we aren't willing to sit by without trying to do something about it. That's all. We truly do understand why people have to use state funded healthcare. Like someone said, without it, many of our adult cf'ers would have nothing. So, let's protect it. Let's make our voices heard before this cf'er loses her battle.

Thomas Betlach: Director of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment
System ....... he's the main one in charge.... along with the Governor...
in this issue
Email: thomas.betlach@azahcccs.gov

Eileen Klein: Chief of Staff Office of Economic Recovery
Email: azrecovery@az.gov

Laura Oxley, PIO: Arizona Department of Health Services
Email: oxleyl@azdhs.gov

It will also help to email the legislature.... both the Senate and the

Also, if anyone is interested, here are the letters my husband and father wrote.


Thank you for your response.... I do appreciate it! Please, please do take
the time to visit Zoe's web page and view her video montage.

I urge you to please consider our plea on behalf of Tiffany and so many,
many others out there, to not withhold Medicaid funding for cystic fibrosis
sufferers seeking lung transplants. After receipt of "new" lungs they very
well have the possibility of a long and much healthier life...... with
lungs free from CF.

I will let you know that I am forwarding faxes and emails etc. to Governor
Brewer, Tom Betlach, Laura Oxley and several others.... to include both
Senate and House members. I would suspect that other individuals are doing
the same thing.

As I wrote in my letter to the governor, I completely understand budgetary
concerns, but I am sure that there are many, many different areas where
waste is prevalent and prominent. Withholding funding for lung transplants
is the same as sentencing someone to death. I don't want that for my little
girl.... for Zoe... even if she was 27 years-old. Watch Zoe's video and, if
you have a child, imagine it was them and and imagine how you would feel.
Monica, I am only 44 and actually quite healthy. I have a large and
wonderful family and an incredible wife whom I adore, but I would give my
life in an instant for a cure for CF....... so that Zoe would live. But we
all do not know how soon a cure may be discovered and, if it's years later
and Zoe develops lung problems common to all CFer's, there is a very real
possibility that she may require a transplant and I want her to be able to
obtain one if needed. If your measure is instituted, it will indeed set a
very dangerous and life threatening precedent. I urge you to re-visit the
issue and have the decision reversed...... please!

Kind Regards,

This one is from my father, retired Navy Commander:

I have sent 4 emails to Arizona in support of stopping this madness.

"I have been watching Arizona and the difficult situations your state is facing with great interest and compassion. I have totally committed myself to supporting Arizona in their stand against Illegal immigration. I pass emails in support of the Governor's actions daily to my email friends. You are doing the right thing and I believe America supports you.

However the news article in the Arizona Daily Star about "Transplant dream fading" does not receive my support nor that, I believe, of any other Human. Depriving this population from a chance to life sounds very familiar to what Hitler had in mind during his regime. This news article struck close to home as we have a Granddaughter, Zoe with CF. We have witnessed for the past seven years the challenges Zoe faces to live a normal life, a chance she deserves. Her parents have given 100% of their time and resources to insuring their daughter Zoe, has a life. There are no easy challenges with CF and unfortunately a lung transplants can be a possibility in their future. These families fight this insidious disease daily with vigor and conviction - to have the hope of a decent life for their daughter destroyed by this piece of legislation is inhuman.

To ever say that a life will be sacrificed in the interest of a budget in beyond my comprehension. I urge Arizona to reconsider its position on this health issue

I spent 21 years in the US Navy, I have worked in our school systems ,private business and state government. I can say without reservation that the waste I have seen in each of these organizations is of such a magnitude as to fund health care. How America has ever gotten to our present state is unbelievable. I think the era of "professional politicians" is rapidly drawing to a close. We need to put real people back into politics, we need Statesmen. I hope Arizona has some."


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

If anyone is interested in e-mailing some letters to try and help get this decision reversed....we (Scott and myself) have them listed below. Scott and my father have written many already today.
Yes, we are aware that was a state decision due to budget cuts....if one state is hurting with it's deficit so badly that it is cutting lives...what do you think is going to happen when our gov't (who as a nation is extremely in debt)trys to provide healthcare to the entire country? This could be just the beginning, and we aren't willing to sit by without trying to do something about it. That's all. We truly do understand why people have to use state funded healthcare. Like someone said, without it, many of our adult cf'ers would have nothing. So, let's protect it. Let's make our voices heard before this cf'er loses her battle.

Thomas Betlach: Director of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment
System ....... he's the main one in charge.... along with the Governor...
in this issue
Email: thomas.betlach@azahcccs.gov

Eileen Klein: Chief of Staff Office of Economic Recovery
Email: azrecovery@az.gov

Laura Oxley, PIO: Arizona Department of Health Services
Email: oxleyl@azdhs.gov

It will also help to email the legislature.... both the Senate and the

Also, if anyone is interested, here are the letters my husband and father wrote.


Thank you for your response.... I do appreciate it! Please, please do take
the time to visit Zoe's web page and view her video montage.

I urge you to please consider our plea on behalf of Tiffany and so many,
many others out there, to not withhold Medicaid funding for cystic fibrosis
sufferers seeking lung transplants. After receipt of "new" lungs they very
well have the possibility of a long and much healthier life...... with
lungs free from CF.

I will let you know that I am forwarding faxes and emails etc. to Governor
Brewer, Tom Betlach, Laura Oxley and several others.... to include both
Senate and House members. I would suspect that other individuals are doing
the same thing.

As I wrote in my letter to the governor, I completely understand budgetary
concerns, but I am sure that there are many, many different areas where
waste is prevalent and prominent. Withholding funding for lung transplants
is the same as sentencing someone to death. I don't want that for my little
girl.... for Zoe... even if she was 27 years-old. Watch Zoe's video and, if
you have a child, imagine it was them and and imagine how you would feel.
Monica, I am only 44 and actually quite healthy. I have a large and
wonderful family and an incredible wife whom I adore, but I would give my
life in an instant for a cure for CF....... so that Zoe would live. But we
all do not know how soon a cure may be discovered and, if it's years later
and Zoe develops lung problems common to all CFer's, there is a very real
possibility that she may require a transplant and I want her to be able to
obtain one if needed. If your measure is instituted, it will indeed set a
very dangerous and life threatening precedent. I urge you to re-visit the
issue and have the decision reversed...... please!

Kind Regards,

This one is from my father, retired Navy Commander:

I have sent 4 emails to Arizona in support of stopping this madness.

"I have been watching Arizona and the difficult situations your state is facing with great interest and compassion. I have totally committed myself to supporting Arizona in their stand against Illegal immigration. I pass emails in support of the Governor's actions daily to my email friends. You are doing the right thing and I believe America supports you.

However the news article in the Arizona Daily Star about "Transplant dream fading" does not receive my support nor that, I believe, of any other Human. Depriving this population from a chance to life sounds very familiar to what Hitler had in mind during his regime. This news article struck close to home as we have a Granddaughter, Zoe with CF. We have witnessed for the past seven years the challenges Zoe faces to live a normal life, a chance she deserves. Her parents have given 100% of their time and resources to insuring their daughter Zoe, has a life. There are no easy challenges with CF and unfortunately a lung transplants can be a possibility in their future. These families fight this insidious disease daily with vigor and conviction - to have the hope of a decent life for their daughter destroyed by this piece of legislation is inhuman.

To ever say that a life will be sacrificed in the interest of a budget in beyond my comprehension. I urge Arizona to reconsider its position on this health issue

I spent 21 years in the US Navy, I have worked in our school systems ,private business and state government. I can say without reservation that the waste I have seen in each of these organizations is of such a magnitude as to fund health care. How America has ever gotten to our present state is unbelievable. I think the era of "professional politicians" is rapidly drawing to a close. We need to put real people back into politics, we need Statesmen. I hope Arizona has some."


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

If anyone is interested in e-mailing some letters to try and help get this decision reversed....we (Scott and myself) have them listed below. Scott and my father have written many already today.
<br />Yes, we are aware that was a state decision due to budget cuts....if one state is hurting with it's deficit so badly that it is cutting lives...what do you think is going to happen when our gov't (who as a nation is extremely in debt)trys to provide healthcare to the entire country? This could be just the beginning, and we aren't willing to sit by without trying to do something about it. That's all. We truly do understand why people have to use state funded healthcare. Like someone said, without it, many of our adult cf'ers would have nothing. So, let's protect it. Let's make our voices heard before this cf'er loses her battle.
<br />
<br />Thomas Betlach: Director of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment
<br />System ....... he's the main one in charge.... along with the Governor...
<br />in this issue
<br />Email: thomas.betlach@azahcccs.gov
<br />
<br />Eileen Klein: Chief of Staff Office of Economic Recovery
<br />Email: azrecovery@az.gov
<br />
<br />Laura Oxley, PIO: Arizona Department of Health Services
<br />Email: oxleyl@azdhs.gov
<br />
<br />
<br />It will also help to email the legislature.... both the Senate and the
<br />House.......
<br />
<br />Also, if anyone is interested, here are the letters my husband and father wrote.
<br />
<br />Monica,
<br />
<br />Thank you for your response.... I do appreciate it! Please, please do take
<br />the time to visit Zoe's web page and view her video montage.
<br />
<br />I urge you to please consider our plea on behalf of Tiffany and so many,
<br />many others out there, to not withhold Medicaid funding for cystic fibrosis
<br />sufferers seeking lung transplants. After receipt of "new" lungs they very
<br />well have the possibility of a long and much healthier life...... with
<br />lungs free from CF.
<br />
<br />I will let you know that I am forwarding faxes and emails etc. to Governor
<br />Brewer, Tom Betlach, Laura Oxley and several others.... to include both
<br />Senate and House members. I would suspect that other individuals are doing
<br />the same thing.
<br />
<br />As I wrote in my letter to the governor, I completely understand budgetary
<br />concerns, but I am sure that there are many, many different areas where
<br />waste is prevalent and prominent. Withholding funding for lung transplants
<br />is the same as sentencing someone to death. I don't want that for my little
<br />girl.... for Zoe... even if she was 27 years-old. Watch Zoe's video and, if
<br />you have a child, imagine it was them and and imagine how you would feel.
<br />Monica, I am only 44 and actually quite healthy. I have a large and
<br />wonderful family and an incredible wife whom I adore, but I would give my
<br />life in an instant for a cure for CF....... so that Zoe would live. But we
<br />all do not know how soon a cure may be discovered and, if it's years later
<br />and Zoe develops lung problems common to all CFer's, there is a very real
<br />possibility that she may require a transplant and I want her to be able to
<br />obtain one if needed. If your measure is instituted, it will indeed set a
<br />very dangerous and life threatening precedent. I urge you to re-visit the
<br />issue and have the decision reversed...... please!
<br />
<br />Kind Regards,
<br />Scott
<br />
<br />
<br />This one is from my father, retired Navy Commander:
<br />
<br />I have sent 4 emails to Arizona in support of stopping this madness.
<br />
<br />"I have been watching Arizona and the difficult situations your state is facing with great interest and compassion. I have totally committed myself to supporting Arizona in their stand against Illegal immigration. I pass emails in support of the Governor's actions daily to my email friends. You are doing the right thing and I believe America supports you.
<br />
<br />However the news article in the Arizona Daily Star about "Transplant dream fading" does not receive my support nor that, I believe, of any other Human. Depriving this population from a chance to life sounds very familiar to what Hitler had in mind during his regime. This news article struck close to home as we have a Granddaughter, Zoe with CF. We have witnessed for the past seven years the challenges Zoe faces to live a normal life, a chance she deserves. Her parents have given 100% of their time and resources to insuring their daughter Zoe, has a life. There are no easy challenges with CF and unfortunately a lung transplants can be a possibility in their future. These families fight this insidious disease daily with vigor and conviction - to have the hope of a decent life for their daughter destroyed by this piece of legislation is inhuman.
<br />
<br />To ever say that a life will be sacrificed in the interest of a budget in beyond my comprehension. I urge Arizona to reconsider its position on this health issue
<br />
<br />
<br />ps
<br />I spent 21 years in the US Navy, I have worked in our school systems ,private business and state government. I can say without reservation that the waste I have seen in each of these organizations is of such a magnitude as to fund health care. How America has ever gotten to our present state is unbelievable. I think the era of "professional politicians" is rapidly drawing to a close. We need to put real people back into politics, we need Statesmen. I hope Arizona has some."


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>colinmaydahl</b></i>

This is cut in coverage is from a loss of state tax income. AZ is in the hole, and they are having to cutting funds from everywhere. This story has nothing to do with the federal health care bill that was passed.

If You want to be able to get a TX and live in AZ, get private insurance. Oh wait, private insurance wont cover You because of a pre existing condition. It sucks they are cutting TX's from the state insurance, but they are having to take most of the burden of people that have CF in AZ BECAUSE PRIVATE INSURANCE wont cover them. Every American needs reform of our health care system, it is in our country's health.


27m/cf and I have government funded health insurance! (It could be better, but I can't get insurance anywhere else)</end quote></div>

I think it depends on the private insurance Colin. My company provides my health care along w/ what I pay for my portion of it. If I have a tx, it would be covered by my private insurance. So it is not private insurances that are bad all the time. I would prefer my Private Insurance over anything that the Federal Govt will be offering.

ETA: put anything in lower case, upper case was just too much. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>colinmaydahl</b></i>

This is cut in coverage is from a loss of state tax income. AZ is in the hole, and they are having to cutting funds from everywhere. This story has nothing to do with the federal health care bill that was passed.

If You want to be able to get a TX and live in AZ, get private insurance. Oh wait, private insurance wont cover You because of a pre existing condition. It sucks they are cutting TX's from the state insurance, but they are having to take most of the burden of people that have CF in AZ BECAUSE PRIVATE INSURANCE wont cover them. Every American needs reform of our health care system, it is in our country's health.


27m/cf and I have government funded health insurance! (It could be better, but I can't get insurance anywhere else)</end quote>

I think it depends on the private insurance Colin. My company provides my health care along w/ what I pay for my portion of it. If I have a tx, it would be covered by my private insurance. So it is not private insurances that are bad all the time. I would prefer my Private Insurance over anything that the Federal Govt will be offering.

ETA: put anything in lower case, upper case was just too much. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>colinmaydahl</b></i>
<br />
<br />This is cut in coverage is from a loss of state tax income. AZ is in the hole, and they are having to cutting funds from everywhere. This story has nothing to do with the federal health care bill that was passed.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />If You want to be able to get a TX and live in AZ, get private insurance. Oh wait, private insurance wont cover You because of a pre existing condition. It sucks they are cutting TX's from the state insurance, but they are having to take most of the burden of people that have CF in AZ BECAUSE PRIVATE INSURANCE wont cover them. Every American needs reform of our health care system, it is in our country's health.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Colin
<br />
<br />27m/cf and I have government funded health insurance! (It could be better, but I can't get insurance anywhere else)</end quote>
<br />
<br />
<br />I think it depends on the private insurance Colin. My company provides my health care along w/ what I pay for my portion of it. If I have a tx, it would be covered by my private insurance. So it is not private insurances that are bad all the time. I would prefer my Private Insurance over anything that the Federal Govt will be offering.
<br />
<br />ETA: put anything in lower case, upper case was just too much. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,594682,00.html">Interesting... </a>


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,594682,00.html">Interesting... </a>


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,594682,00.html">Interesting... </a>


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

So many opponents of the Federal Health Care Reform denounce it, saying that such regulations should fall under "State" control. This is EXACTLY what is happening in this case.

The federal reform plan is not perfect, but it does offer coverage to some 80(?) million people who otherwise would not have care. It also is doing away with pre-existing conditions clauses (by 2014) and no lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

I feel awful for this girl, but it's not the federal government's doing. Let's try to focus on fixing the situation (trying to help the girl) instead of false accusations.


PS Has anyone contacted the paper who printed the article, asking for a correction of the untruths about CF lung transplants?


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

So many opponents of the Federal Health Care Reform denounce it, saying that such regulations should fall under "State" control. This is EXACTLY what is happening in this case.

The federal reform plan is not perfect, but it does offer coverage to some 80(?) million people who otherwise would not have care. It also is doing away with pre-existing conditions clauses (by 2014) and no lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

I feel awful for this girl, but it's not the federal government's doing. Let's try to focus on fixing the situation (trying to help the girl) instead of false accusations.


PS Has anyone contacted the paper who printed the article, asking for a correction of the untruths about CF lung transplants?


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

So many opponents of the Federal Health Care Reform denounce it, saying that such regulations should fall under "State" control. This is EXACTLY what is happening in this case.
<br />
<br />The federal reform plan is not perfect, but it does offer coverage to some 80(?) million people who otherwise would not have care. It also is doing away with pre-existing conditions clauses (by 2014) and no lifetime caps on insurance coverage.
<br />
<br />I feel awful for this girl, but it's not the federal government's doing. Let's try to focus on fixing the situation (trying to help the girl) instead of false accusations.
<br />
<br />Respectfully,
<br />CFKitty
<br />
<br />PS Has anyone contacted the paper who printed the article, asking for a correction of the untruths about CF lung transplants?


New member
This is sad...but what we have to look forward to with Gov't. healthcare

I saw that article also....couldn't believe something like that could happen!!