life expentancy


New member
Does the age go up every year or does it depend on other things? I'm just wondering what it will be once my 3 yr old grows up.

Thanks! Amy


New member
Hi all, I'm sure that you know this but frankly who cares about life expectancy? We live everyday by day. Quality is much more important than quantity. There are people who live 100 years and its not worthy. Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments it takes your breath away.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Makes perfect sense that the mutations in Ireland could be generally more severe. <hr></blockquote>

Very interesting though. My mom is 100% Irish (immigrant grandparents) and my dad is predominately Irish, and I am hit very hard by my CF. I never really thought of the place of origin of my ancestors as a factor, but it is very possible


New member
I have an 8 year old with CF, how encouraging it is to hear that you are 52!!! WOW!!!, When we were in clinic i saw an older couple leaving as we were coming and all i could do was stare with such admiration. I think that it is great how well you have taken care of your self. Keep up the good work, you are a great encouragement to all!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
i am sorry i thought that i read that you were 52, but Good job being 50!!!! still a blessing!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
The median age in Ireland is so low because of deplorably bad hospital facilities, patients are not segragated from each other and the cleanliness is not up to scratch, there is a ridiculously high level of cross infection and very little is being done, it is depressing to think that if we lived in Northern Ireland the median age is 30 compared to our median of 17 - this is all on the one island and I think shows that it is very little to do with mutations but a whole lot to do with health care. Interestingly Ireland has the highest rate of CF per capita in the world. I'm so angry about this in a country with such a booming economy that our statistics are so bad.



New member
Dont Blame The low median in Ireland on just healthcare most of our statistics are out of date and the association hasnt even got a full registry up and running. With up to date info it would probably be closer to everyone else's


New member
Hadn't thought of that but I did join the register a few years ago. Just going on the info from the Pollack report that was on the news last week I should probably go and get the report and read it for myself . But from what I read on the threads here cf patients in hospital in other countries have private rooms and bathrooms and I know thats not how it is here. Anyway I hope your right and it's the statistics that are wrong.



New member
Slightly random question- are there centers in Ireland who do lung transplants? I ask out of curiousity, but also because a family friend of ours has a cousin back in Ireland (coincidentally with the same last name as my mothers maiden name) with CF who got a lung transplant and had to go over to London (or at the very least, England) to have it done. Do they do lung transplants in Ireland?


New member
No they don't perform lung transplants in Ireland, to get a transplant people go over to Newcastle in England , there is a new transplant centre built at a hospital in ireland but I don't think it's staffed yet so that's the delay - I think that's the delay anyway I could be wrong. There is some mad agreement between the Irish Govt and the hospital in Newcastle that they get all Irish lungs for transplant which makes it impossible to get a transplant at any other centre in England , so if Newcastle won't transplant then your chances of a tx are practically nill even if another centre deems you a viable candidate. This Sucks! But I'm not at the tx stage. Going to bed now to watch Newlyweds - how sad am I!!!



New member
Thanks Roo! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

That's kind of a bummer that the government has a 'deal' with that one hospital. Ugh sometimes government annoys me! (ours in the US too LOL)


New member
I just wanted to say...that those who are referring to the 76 yr old with this Katharine Shores you are referring to? If so...sadly she passed away this past November. It is in the latest publication of CF Roundtable.


New member
i think, yes we are given all these figures ands stats about age etc but we shud not focus on them we shud just set our own targets and as long as we keep on top things we can give hopes and dreams to everyone else suffering with cf and give them more reasons to try. Ashwcf x <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You also have to keep in mind that the life expenctancy is an average of statistics. It is sad but true that some CFers die very young, so that is going to bring down the average expectancy age. There are many CFers on this board in their 20's, 30's and some in their 40's living well and many even older who are out there just not on this board.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Well life expect doesn't count for much. Healthy people have one and many of them never reach that. I just try to make sure everyone I love knows how much I love them. If there is one thing that I have learned it is that life can come and go at any time. Life can bring you great joy and great pain. You never know so I try not to think about it. When I look into my childs eyes I don't think of how long we have.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Enjoy your life, no matter what age you are, I am 53 and although have had some rough 'spots' so far, I am going to live into my 70's too!! There is a myriad of 'thing's' to focus on in life, the age factor often pops up and if you have lost other family members to CF, I can understand it can be a concern for you.
Stay happy.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">