Life Insurance for Cystic Fibrosis

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan
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Chris Duncan

New member
Join DateOct 2012Posts8

Life Insurance for Cystic Fibrosis


I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

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Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan
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Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan
View attachment 118

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan

New member

I am Chris Duncan and we recently lost my best friend's wife to cystic fibrosis. It was always frustrating to him and Heather's father they could not find any life insurance for her.

I am independent life insurance agent and I have done much research and have found a quality "A" rated company that will insure people with cystic fibrosis.

All of the details, including rates, are on a website I have created If anyone has any questions I am here to help. My contact information is on the site.


Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan

New member
Hi Julie,

As of right now I don't have a company that will insure anyone with CF in Washington. However, there are surrounding states that do and you may want to contact me through my website or call 888.773.8069 to get those details.

I am on this forum to help. Although some peolpe don't think so.

Chris Duncan