There are policies you can get, and I have gotten one as an adult but let it lapse because I have a much cheaper policy my parents got for me before I was diagnosed. From my experience with life insurance as an adult is there are limits on how much they will let you take out - meaning for me the max they told me I could take was 25,000 and I have to live 2 years after first getting the policy before the policy will pay out. I ended up just getting a policy for about 10,000 at the time, just in case to cover some expenses, and paid about 35 bucks a month for that. I know there are policies for children too but I can't remember what they are called.
If I were any of you I would try to get in touch with an insurance broker - when I got my policy I went through Western Southern Insurance Company - ask them all sorts of what if questions but don't come right out and say it is for you or a loved one that is ill. Ask what type of policies they have and if you have to lie, say you have a friend with a child with CF and if they would be able to cover that child. ANY time I have asked a question like that I get asked the child's age and then I get told there are certain policies for children under 5 I believe it is and certain ones for over 5.
I listened to people on this site and others that said we were uninsurable and honestly we ARE NOT. Companies will insure us but there are tons of stipulations, like time frame, amount you can be insured for and amount you have to pay for premiums. It isn't easy but there are policies out there, so keep looking.
And agreed the term life through your work is a great idea. I have one of those now along with my personal policy.
Take Care