List of medication during pregnancy


New member
Hi everyone,

I'd like to know what medication you took during your pregnancy...
I'm actually on Pulmozyme, Hypertonic Saline, Creon, and - unfortunately - on Zithronax.

Thanks a lot,



New member
Hi everyone,

I'd like to know what medication you took during your pregnancy...
I'm actually on Pulmozyme, Hypertonic Saline, Creon, and - unfortunately - on Zithronax.

Thanks a lot,



New member
Hi everyone,
<br />
<br />I'd like to know what medication you took during your pregnancy...
<br />I'm actually on Pulmozyme, Hypertonic Saline, Creon, and - unfortunately - on Zithronax.
<br />
<br />Thanks a lot,
<br />
<br />Bobo


New member
During my pregnancy I was on:
<br />
<br />Ultrase
<br />Nexium
<br />Advair
<br />Pulmozyme
<br />Albuterol
<br />Tobramycin
<br />Colistin


Active member
Pulmicort (on and off)
Hyp Saline
Zithromax (on and off)
2 courses of Ceftin for a mild infection

I wouldn't worry much about the Zithromax Bobo. Its actually very safe for pregnancy. I know that no pregnant mom wants to hear "very" safe (you want to hear totally safe), BUT from my experience with 2 pregnancies...better to do all of your preventative meds that wind up needing even stronger ones, or getting stuck in the hospital.
I know how hard it is, but these kinds of typical meds are very safe to take. And a healthy mom=healthy baby.
There's lots of old threads on meds and pregnancy. I know lots of moms that took all of these for their entire pregnancy.


Active member
Pulmicort (on and off)
Hyp Saline
Zithromax (on and off)
2 courses of Ceftin for a mild infection

I wouldn't worry much about the Zithromax Bobo. Its actually very safe for pregnancy. I know that no pregnant mom wants to hear "very" safe (you want to hear totally safe), BUT from my experience with 2 pregnancies...better to do all of your preventative meds that wind up needing even stronger ones, or getting stuck in the hospital.
I know how hard it is, but these kinds of typical meds are very safe to take. And a healthy mom=healthy baby.
There's lots of old threads on meds and pregnancy. I know lots of moms that took all of these for their entire pregnancy.


Active member
<br />Pulmicort (on and off)
<br />Pulmozyme
<br />Hyp Saline
<br />Pancrease
<br />Pepcid
<br />Zithromax (on and off)
<br />2 courses of Ceftin for a mild infection
<br />
<br />I wouldn't worry much about the Zithromax Bobo. Its actually very safe for pregnancy. I know that no pregnant mom wants to hear "very" safe (you want to hear totally safe), BUT from my experience with 2 pregnancies...better to do all of your preventative meds that wind up needing even stronger ones, or getting stuck in the hospital.
<br />I know how hard it is, but these kinds of typical meds are very safe to take. And a healthy mom=healthy baby.
<br />There's lots of old threads on meds and pregnancy. I know lots of moms that took all of these for their entire pregnancy.