Little bit of fun


New member
Over the years I've had to tell many people that I have Cystic Fibrosis. I AWAYS add the comment that CF is a GENETIC disease; I'm always surprised at how many of them then ask "how long have you had it?" Even people involved my health care have asked this question.


New member
How long have you had it... after I said it was genetic, just like Steve said. Also, even when I tell people it's genetic, they still often treat me like if I cough on them, they're going to get HIV or the plague or something. I'm sure there are millions of others.


New member
This is kind of funny and dumb at the same time. Being that I was just dx at 29 and my parents are divorced..they really don't get along and have not spoken in years.. My dad insists that it was my mothers side of the family that gave me CF.. he said their is no way that he could have done that no way... and my mother has always had sick ppl on her side of the family and my mother says for sure it was my father's side... To this day neither one of them can say it was just that genes happen....Neither one of them but esp my dad thinks that everyone else including doctors are wrong and that only one parent can be a carrier and I could still have it.....



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Jennifer... if you wouldn't mind, what is your e-mail address? I'd like to ask you some questions. Mine is


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I dont think most people know what genetic or hereditary means. Especially if there is no one else in the family that has it. People always tell me that I need to eat or to stop smoking. People that know I am sick. So now I just ask them, "Why?" It shuts them up & keeps me from having to repeat myself. If its someone new that doesnt know I will explain, but it goes to show how people dont understand or just dont listen when you talk (at least for me!)


New member
My favorite is "how do you eat so much and stay so thin?" One person even asked me if I have an eating disorder. I say yeah, I eat and it goes right through me.


New member
There are genetic conditions, though, that only manifest themselves later in life, so considering that "stupid" is working with the assumption that "hereditary=present from birth." It's actually just a product of ignorance about what CF, specifically is.

My mom has done the "it's your dad's fault" thing, as well. She also denies that children of carriers have a 1/4 chance of having sick kids, arguing it's guaranteed, every time, that they'll have CF (as all 4 of her kids did), and that it's a lie by the healthcare establishment to create more patients by encouraging parents to take the risk. (When carriers father healthy children, or healthy children and sick ones, or sick kids and a single healthy one, it's obviously because the mom was sleeping around. Hah hah.)

Along with all her other ... let's say, "unorthodox" views about genetics, science, and so on, it pisses me off to no end.
I don't know that this was really dumb question, but it ended up I think being rather hilarious. Anyway, a guy that had seen me a few times at school asked me how long I had been sick. I was then 21. I said my whole life. Then I told him I had CF. He asked what the prognosis was and I said it's fatal. I think it really took him by surprise how matter of fact I was and he then replied well we all have to die sometime. I then added to be a smarty Yeah better sooner than later right. Anyway, you kind of had to be there for that one but with my humor it was pretty funny. My friends all got a good kick out of it and we kept that saying going for a while.

Emilee with 2 Es