hi everyone it's been awhile since i've posted but i'm very concerned because my 2 yr old daughter w / cf has been having very high liver enzymes. shes had problems w / elevated liver enzymes since she was 2 months old and has taken actigall wich in the past when her enzymes go up they increase the actigall and it brings her enzymes back into the normal range. in the past few months her liver enzymes have gone up the dr increased her actigall from 90 mgs to 100 mgs hoping that would do the trick but it didn't they got higher , so then they ordered a liver sono wich showed that she has a fatty liver and her gallbladder is extemly small and contracted and dilated. the drs didn't seem to concerned or explain anything very well they just said we will redo her bloodwork in a few weeks, so they did and i just got the results back and her alt is 224 and her alt is 164 wich means its gotten alot higher than the last test. now they increased the dosage of her actigall to 150 mgs and in a couple of weeks they want to do a battery of blood tests a cmv , cpk , ebv , hepatitis panel and hepatitis c antibody - KIBA , serum copper , ceruloplasmin , antitrypin phenotype and a hfp. i am very concerned and just want to know if anyone or anyones child has been through this before ? is liver involvment commen with cf ? what can cause a cfers liver enzymes to go up ? and what happens if actigall doesn't work she's only 2 and you can't tell by looking at her that anythings wrong w her she's 30 pnds and her lungs are doing great just sinus problems. just very concerned and worried that they may say that her liver is bad and she needs a transplant any answers or help would be very much appreciated thanks so much
concerned mom
mom of 2 yr old little girl w / cf and 10 yr old daughter carrier of delta f508
concerned mom
mom of 2 yr old little girl w / cf and 10 yr old daughter carrier of delta f508