I was in upmc for a month had pnemonia and mucus plugs and my pfts went down by 20% culured mersa and b cepicea amd phsudo had bronc scope and had a bad reaction to it got a fever a high one that couldn't get down for couple days got confused amd really scared but it broke and they got out 2 mucus plugs out I was on fortaz iv and televansin in and another iv I forget the name but was one they always give me I got out bout 4 weeks now getting legs back was hard lost alot of wt and mucle got pft back to base but went for check up pft back down some and having short of breath and streaks of blood in mucus this just started few days after starting inhaled tobi havnt been on it in a long time I usually cycle fortaz and colistine they added the tobi amd I go in for inhaled vanc for the observation to c how I do on it my questiosquestions r after all that time on iv antibiotics can I b getting sick agian so fast and how fast does mucus plugs take to come back and if ur on inhaled vanc had it helped and how is it tolerated and does tobi make u cough blood and make ahort of breath and pfts to go down my base is 58% and was when I left hospital at check up it went down to 51% should I try a oral antibiotics cause after hospital they took me off all maintenance antibiotics before hospital I was on bactrum and azithromisin amd doxy as maintenance im worried that I will have to go bk in so soon after bein in so long and afriad of the mersa this is first time cultruring it amd that it will cause me to have a decline and having to b hospialized more often I was happy to get out wanted to start exercising and maybe try to work couple days a week but not so sure I can or I should now I just started the orkombi yesterday but been on it for long time during study just didnt know what mg I was on that part was blinded but was getting the drug for lomg time I was wanting to get bk to normal or as close as I could and try to go to beach with family and work few days for extra money to do more things for and with family but unsure if ill b able to not sure what to do I wish I knew if I was goin to getsick agian or I habe time to do things with my womderful family after all that time in hospital and work some to help them with money and able to do things with them sorry for long message any help would help me alot thank you all for the help I hope everyone stays and gets healthy thank u