Well Im yawning as I type this and Reece and Daddy are snoozing .... Last night as I helped Reece go to the bathroom, I lifted him up and OUT came the mickey button....balloon and all!!!!!!!!!!!!! It got caught under the wheel even though I had some slack in my hand. Being this was the 1st time this had happened, you know I was freaking out....even though they tell you not too, HUH!!!! Thats my baby and he is standing there w/ a hole in his tummy and formula oozing out of it!!!!!!! Reece was cool as a cucumber. I on the other hand was flipping out/ I laid him down and tried to put it back in 2x. no luck....the 3rd time I pushed a little harder, and it went in......WHOOOHOOO!!!!! In the meantime I had called home health to assist me and it took them 20-30 min to call me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the nurse said was that she didnt think the on call nurse knew how to deal w/ a mickey button!!!!!! WHAT??????!!!!!!!! (and she talked real sloowwwww.) Good grief lady.....I said well Im not wasting anymore time....Im taking him to the ER, she said I think thats the best thing to do!!!! DUH!!!! I just wanted some help here!!!!! Well when we got there....it took 10 min for someone to come to the window..... I was like does anyone work here? The insurance lady said calm down mam someone will be w/ you shortly..... Well when? He was triaged blah! blah! blah! When they found out that I had put it back in they were like oh ok! But anyway ya'll know how the ER waiting game goes. We got ther at 2am and we got home aroung 6:30am!!!! The did an X ray to make sure it was in the right spot...the put some liquid radiation dye in his tube to see if it was spilling out...it wasnt!!! So then we had to wait for the radiologists read that 1 hour later before we got to ho home!!! Since it is still new...Mar 2nd is when it was placed. The ER docs couldnt do anything so thats what we were waiting on....the g tube resident...she was in surgery!!!!!! WHEW!!!!!