Looking for a great Peds CF Dr in DC area


New member
Perhaps you have been lurking out there for a while, but Welcome to this resource just the same. Definitely a competent setting at JH. Maybe someone will answer you before bed time. Go there anyway. Not sure when you found this site but you will get a lot of help and usually in a hurry. Good luck.


New member
Dr Mogayzel at Johns Hopkins was my favorite, but I also liked Dr. Paranjape. It's been about a year since we've been there, so I'm not sure they'd still be there. All the doctors there are pretty great though.


New member
Dr Mogayzel at Johns Hopkins was my favorite, but I also liked Dr. Paranjape. It's been about a year since we've been there, so I'm not sure they'd still be there. All the doctors there are pretty great though.


New member
Dr Mogayzel at Johns Hopkins was my favorite, but I also liked Dr. Paranjape. It's been about a year since we've been there, so I'm not sure they'd still be there. All the doctors there are pretty great though.