
New member
Hey im 18, i do not have cystic fibrosis but i can be a huge help to anyone who needs to vent. i got interested in CF when i lost a friend to the disease, i did my entire senior project in memorie of her and if any of y'all need to chat i am here for you just email me at monkeygal100586@comcast.net


New member
On August 1, 2005 I got a phone call from from son's doctor asking me to come in to her office. When I got there she told me he tested positive for CF. My son is 6mo's old and I'm so scared, I'm in shock! I'm so afraid I'm going to lose him.


New member
Anyone who would like to chat about CF or anything, please feel free to either e-mail me at: GloverD26@Yahoo.Co.UK
Or add me to your MSN messenger list: GloverD_Loving_NicolaouS@HotMail.Co.UK

(17/M/UK, btw)


New member
ill be your penpal and i am 12 years old i live in the uk i have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and i have 3 cats and lond of best friends and i love hourse ridding and swimming and also sleepovers. i would love a friend and also a penpal would you likt to be my penpal?


New member
hi katie my names luke im 15 i have cf if u wanna talk give me ur email address and we can talk.

p.s my email is wilds_124@hotmail.com

email back soon


New member
Hey there

I am 27 male from Australia I have CF and CFRD. I have travelled throughout the US and have a degree in Health Sciences. I have worked in the fitness industry, health education and now in sport and recreation.

If anyone wants to wrote me my email is steveducie@hotmail.com. I like most sports going to gym and travel and music too.

I dont know too many Cf'ers and would love to write someone simlar in age etc to me I keep pretty well and still havent had a hospital admission yet and am not planning on having one for a very long time!

Hope to hear from somebody soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Shannon, Im 21 and i have CF, if you want to chat my email is kel_784@hotmail.com.
Take Care,
Kel. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Everyone,
I just joined this website yesterday, and really want to talk to someone who has cf about cf and live and stuff....I'm a 17 year old female with cf. I've read this forum a little bit and see some email addresses but I don't know if it's okay just to go ahead and email people...my email is muttcrazy1@gmail.com Email me please soon! And just put cf or something in the subject so i don't accidentally delete it.



New member
hey any one go to the chat thing on here i love to chat i just need some one to chat to my name is holly and i am turning 13 and i do have cf


New member

I'm Kristina and I'm 11 on Thursday 15th Sept. I have CF also. I'd like to be your Pen Pal so we can chat about things.

Hope to hear from you


(And I too am also funny!)


New member
hey kristina i would love also to be you pen pal do u have a screen name or a time we could meet ? i wil try to alk to you latter. oh do u ever go in to the cf chat room hope to talk to you soon<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
My name is Katie and I'm a 14 yr old with CF. I just started High School. If anyone wants to talk to me, my email address's in my profile.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Katie


New member
Hi my name is libby Hankins.I live in Gordo Alabama.So ya need a pen pal? Well I would be glad to be your pen pal!!!!!I am 12. I love 2 cheer!! I can do a backhandspring,liberty,twist cradle,and some other cool stuff!I am real small 2 be in the 7th grade compared 2 everyone else.Write back ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
hey my name is holly i have cf and i am 7th grade i have a feeding tube i am reeally small 4 my age i do not go to school may be we could meet in the chat room or something like that i have IM l8er <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Libby Hankins I am Brittany Fischer I am in 6 grade I am very short for my age to I have CF also I am in gymnastics please type to me
my e-mail address is fischergirls@yahoo.com oh and I live in Brookfield,Missouri


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hi my name is libby Hankins.I live in Gordo Alabama.So ya need a pen pal? Well I would be glad to be your pen pal!!!!!I am 12. I love 2 cheer!! I can do a backhandspring,liberty,twist cradle,and some other cool stuff!I am real small 2 be in the 7th grade compared 2 everyone else.Write back ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<hr></blockquote>