
New member
Dear friend,
I don't have cf myself but i'm actually very interested about it. All I know is it's a disease of the, if I remember correctly, the pancreas and your lungs can't break down mucas so it becomes thick and clogs your lung tissue so you can't breath. I know that I don't have a clue what it's like to live with a disease that's incurable, but if you ever need a listening ear, I'm just an email away. I look at cf like this, you may not be able to control that aspect of your life, but if you let that aspect control you completely, then your just wasting the precious life that you have. I may not be the most pretty girl on the block but I have common sense and a heart that goes out to many people. If you EVER need to talk to someone about whats going on or just want to talk you can email me. My email is lizarsenault13@yahoo.com Email me sometime.


New member
Hi eric,
I don't have cf myself but i know a little bit about it. I don't think I'll go into the details because I don't know how comfortable you are about talking about cf to a total stranger. My names Elizabeth-Anne and I would really like to learn more about you. I'll tell you now, nothing, and I MEAN nothing will gross me out so you can talk about anything. If you ever need a listening ear, just send me an email at lizarsenault13@yahoo.com I'll listen and if you need any advice, (I know that's kinda dumb coming from a girl), the most I can say is don't let anyone get cha down. You sound like that isn't a problem but, live life to the fullest while you've still got it, because life itself, is such a fragile state. Email me if you want to and good luck with your cf. I pray that god will find a cure for you and everyone else who has cf. God bless you and remember what I said, live life to the fullest while you still have it because life itself is such a fragile state.


New member
Dear friend,
My name is Elizabeth-Anne and I just wanted to say Hi and god bless. I certainly hope that god will allow men to find a cure for this disease soon. Good luck and best wishes, Elizabeth-Anne


New member
Dear Benjamin,
My name is Elizabeth-Anne and I just wanted to say hello. I don't have cf myself but my heart goes out to you. I've been skimming through theses pages and your email caught my eye. I can imagine why cf would bite. You have coughing fits, you can't breath at times, you have to get thumps. Correct me if my information is wrong and please don't take any offense to anything in this note. I read a book about a man who had cf and just the way he lived his life suprised me. He never once considered the "alternative". I really hope you know what I mean by alternative. He loved to rebuild street rods from the 50's and race them out on the speedways. I know that I can never understand fully what it's like to have cf but my heart goes out to you in so many different ways. You can email me at lizarsenault13@yahoo.com I'm always listening and if you just wanna rant and rave about how much cf bites, then go right ahead. I'll listen and attempt to give good advice, (although sometimes I'm not the greatest at that. But at least I try), and just be there. I don't know if you believe in god or not but I'll tell you now that he's always listening. I don't remember what scripture that this is from but God said, " Fear not. I am with you. I will help you." Trust in him and he will help. I know that this sounds impossible because as far as today there is no known cure for cf but god willing we will soon find one. Please, stay strong and fight the battle to the end. You may lose one battle, but you have not lost the war. Keep trying and one day you just might prevail.


New member
Hey guy,
I'm 13 and my names Elizabeth-Anne. I don't have cf but you can talk to me about it if it's okay with your mom and dad. I became interested in cf when I found that a friends cousin has it. I'm always concerned about it and I believe strongly that God will one day create a cure and let man find it. My heart goes out to all those young and older who have cf. I don't know what it's like but I couldn't imagine living with it. I have a hard enough time living with my brothers!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can email me at lizarsenault@yahoo.com


New member
Hey becca,
I'm Elizabeth-Anne. I don't have cf but you sounded pretty cool so I figured I'd send you one of these notey things. You can email me at lizarsenault13@yahoo.com


New member
Hi im Ashley. I have cystic fibrosis. I would love to be your penpal. It sometimes hard thinking that someone is in the same place as me.
Email: Aplustdentsing@aol.com


New member
Hi Alyssa,

My name is Adriana and I too have CF (I am 9 years old) . I also wanted a friend who has CF so we can talk.

Email me when you would like too Under6T@aol.com


New member
just thought that i would let you all know that the cystic fibrosis pen pal club is always taking new memebrs we all have a really good time so please cheack us out we currently are a non profit and working to become a foundation i can not wait to help families with cf involved to help them get there meds etc it you would like to help us to ill post my stores web site this also gives you all a chance to get stuff to help fight cf the links will be at the bottom of this page i also wanted to let you know that soon we will have the toll free line up again i do not know when but soon i hope you all have a very healthy holiday and a new year may god be with you all

cf patient
here are the links
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cysticfibrosispenpalclub/">http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cysticfibrosispenpalclub/</a> the store is
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cafepress.com/cfpenpalclub">http://www.cafepress.com/cfpenpalclub</a> this is the store

are 24 hr support line is 612-282-1211
if you would like me to call you please let me know and i will you can do that by emailing me at fghtcfdavid@aol.com

have a wonderful day