Looking for CF Article...


New member
Hey guys!,

I've been trying to find this article for a while now, and I figured before spending another few hours googling, I should check with you all!!

I've seen articles published in 1989 or soon thereafter when they discovered the gene responsible for CF that talked about a cure being just around the corner. I wanted to cite one for a project I'm working on.... anyone know where I could find the text of such an article? Or a more current article that references that?

Thank you!!!,


New member
Hey guys!,

I've been trying to find this article for a while now, and I figured before spending another few hours googling, I should check with you all!!

I've seen articles published in 1989 or soon thereafter when they discovered the gene responsible for CF that talked about a cure being just around the corner. I wanted to cite one for a project I'm working on.... anyone know where I could find the text of such an article? Or a more current article that references that?

Thank you!!!,


New member
Hey guys!,

I've been trying to find this article for a while now, and I figured before spending another few hours googling, I should check with you all!!

I've seen articles published in 1989 or soon thereafter when they discovered the gene responsible for CF that talked about a cure being just around the corner. I wanted to cite one for a project I'm working on.... anyone know where I could find the text of such an article? Or a more current article that references that?

Thank you!!!,


New member
Hey guys!,

I've been trying to find this article for a while now, and I figured before spending another few hours googling, I should check with you all!!

I've seen articles published in 1989 or soon thereafter when they discovered the gene responsible for CF that talked about a cure being just around the corner. I wanted to cite one for a project I'm working on.... anyone know where I could find the text of such an article? Or a more current article that references that?

Thank you!!!,


New member
Hey guys!,
<br />
<br />I've been trying to find this article for a while now, and I figured before spending another few hours googling, I should check with you all!!
<br />
<br />I've seen articles published in 1989 or soon thereafter when they discovered the gene responsible for CF that talked about a cure being just around the corner. I wanted to cite one for a project I'm working on.... anyone know where I could find the text of such an article? Or a more current article that references that?
<br />
<br />Thank you!!!,
<br />Kris