Looking for Information


New member

We have three children, 1 boy who is 6 years old, and 2 twin girls who are 3 years old. In November of 2009 the girls had sweat test of 38 and 39, we then did the Ambry testing and they came back with 5t and p750l mutations, and we just had our son tested, and he has the same mutations. All are pancreatic sufficient and have nothing showing on there chest xrays or throat cultures.

The reason we consulted the specialist was that he girls were hospitalized in March of 09 with Pneumonia.

We are just looking to find out if there is any data on people that have these mutations or what other people have experienced in similar situations.



New member

We have three children, 1 boy who is 6 years old, and 2 twin girls who are 3 years old. In November of 2009 the girls had sweat test of 38 and 39, we then did the Ambry testing and they came back with 5t and p750l mutations, and we just had our son tested, and he has the same mutations. All are pancreatic sufficient and have nothing showing on there chest xrays or throat cultures.

The reason we consulted the specialist was that he girls were hospitalized in March of 09 with Pneumonia.

We are just looking to find out if there is any data on people that have these mutations or what other people have experienced in similar situations.



New member

We have three children, 1 boy who is 6 years old, and 2 twin girls who are 3 years old. In November of 2009 the girls had sweat test of 38 and 39, we then did the Ambry testing and they came back with 5t and p750l mutations, and we just had our son tested, and he has the same mutations. All are pancreatic sufficient and have nothing showing on there chest xrays or throat cultures.

The reason we consulted the specialist was that he girls were hospitalized in March of 09 with Pneumonia.

We are just looking to find out if there is any data on people that have these mutations or what other people have experienced in similar situations.



New member

We have three children, 1 boy who is 6 years old, and 2 twin girls who are 3 years old. In November of 2009 the girls had sweat test of 38 and 39, we then did the Ambry testing and they came back with 5t and p750l mutations, and we just had our son tested, and he has the same mutations. All are pancreatic sufficient and have nothing showing on there chest xrays or throat cultures.

The reason we consulted the specialist was that he girls were hospitalized in March of 09 with Pneumonia.

We are just looking to find out if there is any data on people that have these mutations or what other people have experienced in similar situations.



New member
<br />
<br />We have three children, 1 boy who is 6 years old, and 2 twin girls who are 3 years old. In November of 2009 the girls had sweat test of 38 and 39, we then did the Ambry testing and they came back with 5t and p750l mutations, and we just had our son tested, and he has the same mutations. All are pancreatic sufficient and have nothing showing on there chest xrays or throat cultures.
<br />
<br />The reason we consulted the specialist was that he girls were hospitalized in March of 09 with Pneumonia.
<br />
<br />We are just looking to find out if there is any data on people that have these mutations or what other people have experienced in similar situations.
<br />
<br />Thanks


my son has p750l...he has chronic pancreatitis, and a host of GI issues, asthma


my son has p750l...he has chronic pancreatitis, and a host of GI issues, asthma


my son has p750l...he has chronic pancreatitis, and a host of GI issues, asthma