Looking for Surrogate for couple--wife has cf


New member
Hi I am a 30 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. My doc does not want me to carry because my pft's are 41% and doesn't want me to risk my health or the babies.
We tried IVF in January with a friend as a surrogate. We transferred 2 embryos and 1 took. Unfortunately it ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have 3 frozen blastocysts left and am looking for someone to carry for us. If you know of anyone who would be an angel and be a surrogate for us please let me know. We are located in MO.
My husband was tested and is not a carrier so our baby would be healthy.
Thanks again


New member
Hi I am a 30 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. My doc does not want me to carry because my pft's are 41% and doesn't want me to risk my health or the babies.
We tried IVF in January with a friend as a surrogate. We transferred 2 embryos and 1 took. Unfortunately it ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have 3 frozen blastocysts left and am looking for someone to carry for us. If you know of anyone who would be an angel and be a surrogate for us please let me know. We are located in MO.
My husband was tested and is not a carrier so our baby would be healthy.
Thanks again


New member
Hi I am a 30 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. My doc does not want me to carry because my pft's are 41% and doesn't want me to risk my health or the babies.
We tried IVF in January with a friend as a surrogate. We transferred 2 embryos and 1 took. Unfortunately it ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have 3 frozen blastocysts left and am looking for someone to carry for us. If you know of anyone who would be an angel and be a surrogate for us please let me know. We are located in MO.
My husband was tested and is not a carrier so our baby would be healthy.
Thanks again


New member
Hi I am a 30 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. My doc does not want me to carry because my pft's are 41% and doesn't want me to risk my health or the babies.
We tried IVF in January with a friend as a surrogate. We transferred 2 embryos and 1 took. Unfortunately it ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have 3 frozen blastocysts left and am looking for someone to carry for us. If you know of anyone who would be an angel and be a surrogate for us please let me know. We are located in MO.
My husband was tested and is not a carrier so our baby would be healthy.
Thanks again


New member
Hi I am a 30 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
<br />My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. My doc does not want me to carry because my pft's are 41% and doesn't want me to risk my health or the babies.
<br />We tried IVF in January with a friend as a surrogate. We transferred 2 embryos and 1 took. Unfortunately it ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have 3 frozen blastocysts left and am looking for someone to carry for us. If you know of anyone who would be an angel and be a surrogate for us please let me know. We are located in MO.
<br />My husband was tested and is not a carrier so our baby would be healthy.
<br />Thanks again


I'm so sorry about your loss. I hope you can find someone again - good luck with everything!!


I'm so sorry about your loss. I hope you can find someone again - good luck with everything!!


I'm so sorry about your loss. I hope you can find someone again - good luck with everything!!


I'm so sorry about your loss. I hope you can find someone again - good luck with everything!!


I'm so sorry about your loss. I hope you can find someone again - good luck with everything!!


New member

Thank you! We have had quite a few responses to our ad on surromomsonline.com but everyone wants to much money. We have already went through the process one time and have bills still from that and now have to come up with more to afford a surrogate.
Craziness! But I am sure someone will come along that can help us and feel good about it without wanting so much money!


New member

Thank you! We have had quite a few responses to our ad on surromomsonline.com but everyone wants to much money. We have already went through the process one time and have bills still from that and now have to come up with more to afford a surrogate.
Craziness! But I am sure someone will come along that can help us and feel good about it without wanting so much money!


New member

Thank you! We have had quite a few responses to our ad on surromomsonline.com but everyone wants to much money. We have already went through the process one time and have bills still from that and now have to come up with more to afford a surrogate.
Craziness! But I am sure someone will come along that can help us and feel good about it without wanting so much money!


New member

Thank you! We have had quite a few responses to our ad on surromomsonline.com but everyone wants to much money. We have already went through the process one time and have bills still from that and now have to come up with more to afford a surrogate.
Craziness! But I am sure someone will come along that can help us and feel good about it without wanting so much money!


New member
<br />
<br />Thank you! We have had quite a few responses to our ad on surromomsonline.com but everyone wants to much money. We have already went through the process one time and have bills still from that and now have to come up with more to afford a surrogate.
<br />Craziness! But I am sure someone will come along that can help us and feel good about it without wanting so much money!


New member
Hi My name is Tiffany . I am a mother of three beautiful children . I can completely understand the finacial burdens. Im not sure if your still looking for anyone by now , but I am wondering if there is some way we can exchange services . I had a tubal done 4 years ago , they were clamps . I have divorced and remarried a man who lost his only child and he wishes to have one with me . All I want is a reversal , but we have not got the money for that now . I am 28 years old . I have a loving heart for anyone in need . Maybe we can help each other out. Im not looking for money to help a couple have a child. Straight to the point basically , I would carry your child , for a reversal so that I can carry my own child for my husband. I know this sounds insane , but I dont know how else to put it to sound any better . If you are interested in speaking with me , my e-mail address is deion.ricce@yahoo.com .


New member
Hi My name is Tiffany . I am a mother of three beautiful children . I can completely understand the finacial burdens. Im not sure if your still looking for anyone by now , but I am wondering if there is some way we can exchange services . I had a tubal done 4 years ago , they were clamps . I have divorced and remarried a man who lost his only child and he wishes to have one with me . All I want is a reversal , but we have not got the money for that now . I am 28 years old . I have a loving heart for anyone in need . Maybe we can help each other out. Im not looking for money to help a couple have a child. Straight to the point basically , I would carry your child , for a reversal so that I can carry my own child for my husband. I know this sounds insane , but I dont know how else to put it to sound any better . If you are interested in speaking with me , my e-mail address is deion.ricce@yahoo.com .


New member
Hi My name is Tiffany . I am a mother of three beautiful children . I can completely understand the finacial burdens. Im not sure if your still looking for anyone by now , but I am wondering if there is some way we can exchange services . I had a tubal done 4 years ago , they were clamps . I have divorced and remarried a man who lost his only child and he wishes to have one with me . All I want is a reversal , but we have not got the money for that now . I am 28 years old . I have a loving heart for anyone in need . Maybe we can help each other out. Im not looking for money to help a couple have a child. Straight to the point basically , I would carry your child , for a reversal so that I can carry my own child for my husband. I know this sounds insane , but I dont know how else to put it to sound any better . If you are interested in speaking with me , my e-mail address is deion.ricce@yahoo.com .


New member
Hi My name is Tiffany . I am a mother of three beautiful children . I can completely understand the finacial burdens. Im not sure if your still looking for anyone by now , but I am wondering if there is some way we can exchange services . I had a tubal done 4 years ago , they were clamps . I have divorced and remarried a man who lost his only child and he wishes to have one with me . All I want is a reversal , but we have not got the money for that now . I am 28 years old . I have a loving heart for anyone in need . Maybe we can help each other out. Im not looking for money to help a couple have a child. Straight to the point basically , I would carry your child , for a reversal so that I can carry my own child for my husband. I know this sounds insane , but I dont know how else to put it to sound any better . If you are interested in speaking with me , my e-mail address is deion.ricce@yahoo.com .


New member
Hi My name is Tiffany . I am a mother of three beautiful children . I can completely understand the finacial burdens. Im not sure if your still looking for anyone by now , but I am wondering if there is some way we can exchange services . I had a tubal done 4 years ago , they were clamps . I have divorced and remarried a man who lost his only child and he wishes to have one with me . All I want is a reversal , but we have not got the money for that now . I am 28 years old . I have a loving heart for anyone in need . Maybe we can help each other out. Im not looking for money to help a couple have a child. Straight to the point basically , I would carry your child , for a reversal so that I can carry my own child for my husband. I know this sounds insane , but I dont know how else to put it to sound any better . If you are interested in speaking with me , my e-mail address is deion.ricce@yahoo.com .