lost friend to cf


New member
i'm 15 and four months ago i lost a friend to CF and it as been so hard with him not here because i have known him for about 10 years and when he told me that he was dying i told my self that he would get over it but about 2 months later i was at school and one of my mates told me that he had died on the 27 november 2004 and i cried for so long. But now i have learnt a very important lession which is never let CF win because it is so not worth it really is not. so my advice for you is if you are not in tip top shape get in tip top shape you will feel better about it and listen to the doctors, parents and just every one on you support team because they can help really.


New member
So sorry to hear about your friend. I have CF and lost a cousin to it about 6 years ago. She was only 15. She had been very sick her whole life and was waiting for a transplant for 3 years. She fought for as long as she could but her poor body was just worn out. It was really hard on me to lose her, especially since I know that I could be going through the same thing someday.


New member
I'm so sorry. <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Sadly, I have known many teens with CF who have died. It's so hard to deal with.
The only hope I have is knowing my Creator. That sure helps!


New member
My best friend died 3 years ago from CF. I miss her. And it hurts everyday. I didnt say goodbye and i feel very guilty for that. I had been friends with her for 12 years. She was 16yrs old.

But one day, out from all of the tears and sadness, a stupidly funny memory suddenly pops into your head, and you laugh instead of cry. And you have a smile on your face for the rest of the day. That's when it gets easier.

I now have a guardian angel. I know she's out there. And i talk to her star. It was the brightest star on the night she died...... i had never seen it before. Thats why i named it after her, it was brand new. That's where she was.

Sadly i've known more who have died from cf. And there will be heaps more too. Thats why we need to enjoy our time here.

Life is just so precious


New member
On Sunday March 27, 2005 Greg H. Evans passed away. He'd been struggling through his entire life with cystic fibrosis and was told he wouldn't make it much past the year 2006. But he still made the goal to graduate high school. Early this year however, he was told he had until abou the end of the year. He lowered his goal to just finishing the elevanth grade, but didn't make it. Greg was a regular honor roll kid, a junior at Kennard Dale High School in York Pennsylvania. Make-a-wish gave him his first car when he turned sixteen last year. Through the last few months Greg was really sick, but then got better, and we all thought we'd have a little bit longer with him, but that all changed this past Easter morning. His friends and family miss him incredibly. When word of Greg's death was broadcasted over the PA system in out high school, students were dead silent. Everyone had the same thing on their minds. Everyone was hoping it was a joke. His viewing is tonight where I, along with a few hundred people will line up along the streets of a little town in Pa. I met him back in about first or second grade, but even though he knew he didn't have long to live, he was always laughing and telling jokes. There wasn't a time I saw him without a smile on his face. While I'm not much for religious believing, for just once, I hope heaven does exsist, for Greg's sake anyway. He was a beloved son, and a dear friend. Everyone's feeling the loss, especially his best friend of ten years. What advice do you give someone who has just lost their closest friend? On April 18 some of Greg's closest friends will be celebrating his birthday around his grave site. It's a pity he died two weeks before his seventeenth birthday. Good bye greg. We'll miss you. -Student in KDHS-


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last year, i found out this girl who has cf died on the day after her check-up in hospital when she had a complianed of pain in her back side, her parent took her to hospital, doc runs test, said she has a cancer in her liver. next day she died. she have 3 brothers and a sister. one of her younger brother have cf. i felt sad over it. her father was determined to raise money for cf unfortnatley i met him recently he started drinking, he was losing his strength and he was aa before he had a child, till after his daughter died. it's just sad of what girl family are being through. i hoped he(father) will be ok soon. they lived close to us. i, myself have cf so i hope we all live through happiness life that we,cf, desevre. may god bless you


New member
well i have a friend that has cf and is very sick right now and is in the hospital .the doctors have told him he may only have 6 to 12 months to live and iam just falling apart


New member
hey sorry to hear about your mate. my mate was the same way and when he told be what the doctors had told him that he would not see his 16 birthday i was so shocked but i helped him in very way and just surpported him in every way that i knew i could. my advice that i can give you is just do what i did and take it day by day and just be a friend to him and make it fun for you and him so if he does past away that you have something to remeber him by.but sometimes the doctors a worng so how nows he might live until he is 35 years old


New member
I am 15 and I lost a friend to cf 4 months ago and I have my best friend who has it to it was so sad to know that the same fait that my lost friend had could also be the same for my bestie and she means so much to me that no matter what I will make sure she lives the best posssible life in the sence that she can have all she wants to in a friend and even a sister that is how tight we are togeather my advise to all of you is to live life to the full and be the best friend that you can be to all because we never know when our time may come to pass through those pearly gates to heaven


New member
hey taro i have just lost a mate to cf also 4 months ago and i was woundering what was your mates name that past away


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Hi my name is Amanda Thompson and I have cf. Im 16 and im in ok shape and im sorry about your friend just remenber he's in a better place now. Right now im in the hospital. Here's my e-mail address maybe we can keep in touch. Juggalette3134202003@yahoo.com well anyways write back. Always mandi.