Lots of Questions-IVs, ABPA, Crazy Blood Sugar, and Just Everything


New member
Happy Monday!!

I just started home IV's over the weekend. I went into the hospital on Friday to get my PICC line and get started in the hospital. I am new to this hospital and DR so we agreed to start in patient and leave over the weekend. My PICC placement went smooth for the first time ever.

However, when I got to my room I realized it was not a CF Floor like I was used too. So a lot of things I expected were not there. It wasn't a huge deal since I was there for just a couple days. However, it didn't seem like there were any precautions for germ transmission..well there were but no one put on gloves, gowns, etc. They also didn't really check my blood sugars properly. The first night they gave me no insulin. I followed the rules and left my stuff at home. SO my boyfriend went and got my meds. So to my first question-How do I tell my dr I do not ever want to go there again...in a positive way. I know most of this is beyond his control, but he ended our conversation when I checked in we will see how bad they mess this up? So he knows right? The best part they would not let me leave on Sunday which was the agreement. The dr doesn't come in on the weekend! The home health care person spoke to me as a child. She told me I could not go home on all these IV's. What??? Really for 30 years I have? Long story short I did go home! How should I handle this.... I hate the hospital??
Second question-my aspergillus has brought my hospital stay into NEED! How do you guys manage APBA reactions? A lady on here told me about Tea Tree Oil. She also gave a recipe for a orange mix....does anyone have that?
Last question-My blood sugars are screwed up!! They put me on steroids. How do you manage on steroids? Do you cut carbs? I am using a sliding scale but there is not a rhyme or reason to any of it! I am sweating constantly-hot then cold. I am miserable..ERR!

Ok last one for real!! I am trying to work and do these IV's. I am on so many meds that I am doing something every 6 hours. I have never had such a crazy iv regime. Can I ask the dr to cut back? So I can sleep and heal? One thing to note their are 3 dr's in clinic so they rotate. The one who put me on meds doesn't know me as well. So I feel he doesn't understand!

Thanks in Advance,



New member
Happy Monday!!

I just started home IV's over the weekend. I went into the hospital on Friday to get my PICC line and get started in the hospital. I am new to this hospital and DR so we agreed to start in patient and leave over the weekend. My PICC placement went smooth for the first time ever.

However, when I got to my room I realized it was not a CF Floor like I was used too. So a lot of things I expected were not there. It wasn't a huge deal since I was there for just a couple days. However, it didn't seem like there were any precautions for germ transmission..well there were but no one put on gloves, gowns, etc. They also didn't really check my blood sugars properly. The first night they gave me no insulin. I followed the rules and left my stuff at home. SO my boyfriend went and got my meds. So to my first question-How do I tell my dr I do not ever want to go there again...in a positive way. I know most of this is beyond his control, but he ended our conversation when I checked in we will see how bad they mess this up? So he knows right? The best part they would not let me leave on Sunday which was the agreement. The dr doesn't come in on the weekend! The home health care person spoke to me as a child. She told me I could not go home on all these IV's. What??? Really for 30 years I have? Long story short I did go home! How should I handle this.... I hate the hospital??
Second question-my aspergillus has brought my hospital stay into NEED! How do you guys manage APBA reactions? A lady on here told me about Tea Tree Oil. She also gave a recipe for a orange mix....does anyone have that?
Last question-My blood sugars are screwed up!! They put me on steroids. How do you manage on steroids? Do you cut carbs? I am using a sliding scale but there is not a rhyme or reason to any of it! I am sweating constantly-hot then cold. I am miserable..ERR!

Ok last one for real!! I am trying to work and do these IV's. I am on so many meds that I am doing something every 6 hours. I have never had such a crazy iv regime. Can I ask the dr to cut back? So I can sleep and heal? One thing to note their are 3 dr's in clinic so they rotate. The one who put me on meds doesn't know me as well. So I feel he doesn't understand!

Thanks in Advance,



New member
Happy Monday!!

I just started home IV's over the weekend. I went into the hospital on Friday to get my PICC line and get started in the hospital. I am new to this hospital and DR so we agreed to start in patient and leave over the weekend. My PICC placement went smooth for the first time ever.

However, when I got to my room I realized it was not a CF Floor like I was used too. So a lot of things I expected were not there. It wasn't a huge deal since I was there for just a couple days. However, it didn't seem like there were any precautions for germ transmission..well there were but no one put on gloves, gowns, etc. They also didn't really check my blood sugars properly. The first night they gave me no insulin. I followed the rules and left my stuff at home. SO my boyfriend went and got my meds. So to my first question-How do I tell my dr I do not ever want to go there again...in a positive way. I know most of this is beyond his control, but he ended our conversation when I checked in we will see how bad they mess this up? So he knows right? The best part they would not let me leave on Sunday which was the agreement. The dr doesn't come in on the weekend! The home health care person spoke to me as a child. She told me I could not go home on all these IV's. What??? Really for 30 years I have? Long story short I did go home! How should I handle this.... I hate the hospital??
Second question-my aspergillus has brought my hospital stay into NEED! How do you guys manage APBA reactions? A lady on here told me about Tea Tree Oil. She also gave a recipe for a orange mix....does anyone have that?
Last question-My blood sugars are screwed up!! They put me on steroids. How do you manage on steroids? Do you cut carbs? I am using a sliding scale but there is not a rhyme or reason to any of it! I am sweating constantly-hot then cold. I am miserable..ERR!

Ok last one for real!! I am trying to work and do these IV's. I am on so many meds that I am doing something every 6 hours. I have never had such a crazy iv regime. Can I ask the dr to cut back? So I can sleep and heal? One thing to note their are 3 dr's in clinic so they rotate. The one who put me on meds doesn't know me as well. So I feel he doesn't understand!

Thanks in Advance,



New member
Happy Monday!!

I just started home IV's over the weekend. I went into the hospital on Friday to get my PICC line and get started in the hospital. I am new to this hospital and DR so we agreed to start in patient and leave over the weekend. My PICC placement went smooth for the first time ever.

However, when I got to my room I realized it was not a CF Floor like I was used too. So a lot of things I expected were not there. It wasn't a huge deal since I was there for just a couple days. However, it didn't seem like there were any precautions for germ transmission..well there were but no one put on gloves, gowns, etc. They also didn't really check my blood sugars properly. The first night they gave me no insulin. I followed the rules and left my stuff at home. SO my boyfriend went and got my meds. So to my first question-How do I tell my dr I do not ever want to go there again...in a positive way. I know most of this is beyond his control, but he ended our conversation when I checked in we will see how bad they mess this up? So he knows right? The best part they would not let me leave on Sunday which was the agreement. The dr doesn't come in on the weekend! The home health care person spoke to me as a child. She told me I could not go home on all these IV's. What??? Really for 30 years I have? Long story short I did go home! How should I handle this.... I hate the hospital??
Second question-my aspergillus has brought my hospital stay into NEED! How do you guys manage APBA reactions? A lady on here told me about Tea Tree Oil. She also gave a recipe for a orange mix....does anyone have that?
Last question-My blood sugars are screwed up!! They put me on steroids. How do you manage on steroids? Do you cut carbs? I am using a sliding scale but there is not a rhyme or reason to any of it! I am sweating constantly-hot then cold. I am miserable..ERR!

Ok last one for real!! I am trying to work and do these IV's. I am on so many meds that I am doing something every 6 hours. I have never had such a crazy iv regime. Can I ask the dr to cut back? So I can sleep and heal? One thing to note their are 3 dr's in clinic so they rotate. The one who put me on meds doesn't know me as well. So I feel he doesn't understand!

Thanks in Advance,



New member
Happy Monday!!
<br />
<br />I just started home IV's over the weekend. I went into the hospital on Friday to get my PICC line and get started in the hospital. I am new to this hospital and DR so we agreed to start in patient and leave over the weekend. My PICC placement went smooth for the first time ever.
<br />
<br />However, when I got to my room I realized it was not a CF Floor like I was used too. So a lot of things I expected were not there. It wasn't a huge deal since I was there for just a couple days. However, it didn't seem like there were any precautions for germ transmission..well there were but no one put on gloves, gowns, etc. They also didn't really check my blood sugars properly. The first night they gave me no insulin. I followed the rules and left my stuff at home. SO my boyfriend went and got my meds. So to my first question-How do I tell my dr I do not ever want to go there again...in a positive way. I know most of this is beyond his control, but he ended our conversation when I checked in we will see how bad they mess this up? So he knows right? The best part they would not let me leave on Sunday which was the agreement. The dr doesn't come in on the weekend! The home health care person spoke to me as a child. She told me I could not go home on all these IV's. What??? Really for 30 years I have? Long story short I did go home! How should I handle this.... I hate the hospital??
<br />Second question-my aspergillus has brought my hospital stay into NEED! How do you guys manage APBA reactions? A lady on here told me about Tea Tree Oil. She also gave a recipe for a orange mix....does anyone have that?
<br />Last question-My blood sugars are screwed up!! They put me on steroids. How do you manage on steroids? Do you cut carbs? I am using a sliding scale but there is not a rhyme or reason to any of it! I am sweating constantly-hot then cold. I am miserable..ERR!
<br />
<br />Ok last one for real!! I am trying to work and do these IV's. I am on so many meds that I am doing something every 6 hours. I have never had such a crazy iv regime. Can I ask the dr to cut back? So I can sleep and heal? One thing to note their are 3 dr's in clinic so they rotate. The one who put me on meds doesn't know me as well. So I feel he doesn't understand!
<br />
<br />Thanks in Advance,
<br />
<br />Pepsi


New member
I think you just need to be BLUNT with your doctor. I had an issue recently with the "new" dr. She wouldn't listen to anything I was saying and I felt my health was in jeopardy. I just simply told my dr that I wasn't trying to be rude but I did NOT want to see her again unless I had to ie hospital rotation.

Good Luck on the rest hun!


New member
I think you just need to be BLUNT with your doctor. I had an issue recently with the "new" dr. She wouldn't listen to anything I was saying and I felt my health was in jeopardy. I just simply told my dr that I wasn't trying to be rude but I did NOT want to see her again unless I had to ie hospital rotation.

Good Luck on the rest hun!


New member
I think you just need to be BLUNT with your doctor. I had an issue recently with the "new" dr. She wouldn't listen to anything I was saying and I felt my health was in jeopardy. I just simply told my dr that I wasn't trying to be rude but I did NOT want to see her again unless I had to ie hospital rotation.

Good Luck on the rest hun!


New member
I think you just need to be BLUNT with your doctor. I had an issue recently with the "new" dr. She wouldn't listen to anything I was saying and I felt my health was in jeopardy. I just simply told my dr that I wasn't trying to be rude but I did NOT want to see her again unless I had to ie hospital rotation.

Good Luck on the rest hun!


New member
I think you just need to be BLUNT with your doctor. I had an issue recently with the "new" dr. She wouldn't listen to anything I was saying and I felt my health was in jeopardy. I just simply told my dr that I wasn't trying to be rude but I did NOT want to see her again unless I had to ie hospital rotation.
<br />
<br />Good Luck on the rest hun!


New member
I had a problem when I first started seeing another dr. I told them how it was going to be. I would suggest being straight up forward with them and let them know what you want to do. And i learned that if you dont take your own meds to the hospital, chances are they wont get them to you until they get an order from the dr. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago, I needed a treatment and they told me they couldnt unless my dr (who isnt my primary) calls in an order, so I told them I have all of my stuff i just needed a nebulizer, about 20 mins later the nurse brought me one. If you dont want to go there again don't be scared to speak up! Let your dr know they didnt do what was supposed to be done and it wasn't done properly (blood sugar test) I have learned that you cant really be nice about it, otherwise it will keep happening, or thats how it is here anyway.. I personally think its odd they would send you home doing meds every 6 hours, no time for rest at all and therefore your body cant heal. I would tell your dr what you usually do for IVs and see if thats an option they can deal with, and as long as you are sensitive to the meds you want. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I hope things get cleared up for you and you can finally get some rest.


New member
I had a problem when I first started seeing another dr. I told them how it was going to be. I would suggest being straight up forward with them and let them know what you want to do. And i learned that if you dont take your own meds to the hospital, chances are they wont get them to you until they get an order from the dr. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago, I needed a treatment and they told me they couldnt unless my dr (who isnt my primary) calls in an order, so I told them I have all of my stuff i just needed a nebulizer, about 20 mins later the nurse brought me one. If you dont want to go there again don't be scared to speak up! Let your dr know they didnt do what was supposed to be done and it wasn't done properly (blood sugar test) I have learned that you cant really be nice about it, otherwise it will keep happening, or thats how it is here anyway.. I personally think its odd they would send you home doing meds every 6 hours, no time for rest at all and therefore your body cant heal. I would tell your dr what you usually do for IVs and see if thats an option they can deal with, and as long as you are sensitive to the meds you want. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I hope things get cleared up for you and you can finally get some rest.


New member
I had a problem when I first started seeing another dr. I told them how it was going to be. I would suggest being straight up forward with them and let them know what you want to do. And i learned that if you dont take your own meds to the hospital, chances are they wont get them to you until they get an order from the dr. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago, I needed a treatment and they told me they couldnt unless my dr (who isnt my primary) calls in an order, so I told them I have all of my stuff i just needed a nebulizer, about 20 mins later the nurse brought me one. If you dont want to go there again don't be scared to speak up! Let your dr know they didnt do what was supposed to be done and it wasn't done properly (blood sugar test) I have learned that you cant really be nice about it, otherwise it will keep happening, or thats how it is here anyway.. I personally think its odd they would send you home doing meds every 6 hours, no time for rest at all and therefore your body cant heal. I would tell your dr what you usually do for IVs and see if thats an option they can deal with, and as long as you are sensitive to the meds you want. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I hope things get cleared up for you and you can finally get some rest.


New member
I had a problem when I first started seeing another dr. I told them how it was going to be. I would suggest being straight up forward with them and let them know what you want to do. And i learned that if you dont take your own meds to the hospital, chances are they wont get them to you until they get an order from the dr. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago, I needed a treatment and they told me they couldnt unless my dr (who isnt my primary) calls in an order, so I told them I have all of my stuff i just needed a nebulizer, about 20 mins later the nurse brought me one. If you dont want to go there again don't be scared to speak up! Let your dr know they didnt do what was supposed to be done and it wasn't done properly (blood sugar test) I have learned that you cant really be nice about it, otherwise it will keep happening, or thats how it is here anyway.. I personally think its odd they would send you home doing meds every 6 hours, no time for rest at all and therefore your body cant heal. I would tell your dr what you usually do for IVs and see if thats an option they can deal with, and as long as you are sensitive to the meds you want. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I hope things get cleared up for you and you can finally get some rest.


New member
I had a problem when I first started seeing another dr. I told them how it was going to be. I would suggest being straight up forward with them and let them know what you want to do. And i learned that if you dont take your own meds to the hospital, chances are they wont get them to you until they get an order from the dr. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago, I needed a treatment and they told me they couldnt unless my dr (who isnt my primary) calls in an order, so I told them I have all of my stuff i just needed a nebulizer, about 20 mins later the nurse brought me one. If you dont want to go there again don't be scared to speak up! Let your dr know they didnt do what was supposed to be done and it wasn't done properly (blood sugar test) I have learned that you cant really be nice about it, otherwise it will keep happening, or thats how it is here anyway.. I personally think its odd they would send you home doing meds every 6 hours, no time for rest at all and therefore your body cant heal. I would tell your dr what you usually do for IVs and see if thats an option they can deal with, and as long as you are sensitive to the meds you want. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I hope things get cleared up for you and you can finally get some rest.


New member
First of all, if I have nurses, etc. come in ungowned, I ask where the droplet precautions are. I explain that I have MRSA and that gets the ball rolling. I have to say that I like it in PEDS better because they know what to expect with CFers, where the adult ward I have to teach them. Definitely, it tries your patience when you are already feeling less than par.

Anyway, I wanted to respond about the steroids and blood sugar. When I am on Prednisone, my sugars sky rocket. My doctor ups my dose and we do a sliding scale, too. Mostly it's trial and error, but I figure if it's only a few days, I can deal. If it's longer, I'd be more concerned.

I always go back to work with my IV drugs. Sometimes I have a drug every six hours and have to do one during lunch. Hopefully, your job is understanding.

I'm sorry you had to go through all this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
First of all, if I have nurses, etc. come in ungowned, I ask where the droplet precautions are. I explain that I have MRSA and that gets the ball rolling. I have to say that I like it in PEDS better because they know what to expect with CFers, where the adult ward I have to teach them. Definitely, it tries your patience when you are already feeling less than par.

Anyway, I wanted to respond about the steroids and blood sugar. When I am on Prednisone, my sugars sky rocket. My doctor ups my dose and we do a sliding scale, too. Mostly it's trial and error, but I figure if it's only a few days, I can deal. If it's longer, I'd be more concerned.

I always go back to work with my IV drugs. Sometimes I have a drug every six hours and have to do one during lunch. Hopefully, your job is understanding.

I'm sorry you had to go through all this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
First of all, if I have nurses, etc. come in ungowned, I ask where the droplet precautions are. I explain that I have MRSA and that gets the ball rolling. I have to say that I like it in PEDS better because they know what to expect with CFers, where the adult ward I have to teach them. Definitely, it tries your patience when you are already feeling less than par.

Anyway, I wanted to respond about the steroids and blood sugar. When I am on Prednisone, my sugars sky rocket. My doctor ups my dose and we do a sliding scale, too. Mostly it's trial and error, but I figure if it's only a few days, I can deal. If it's longer, I'd be more concerned.

I always go back to work with my IV drugs. Sometimes I have a drug every six hours and have to do one during lunch. Hopefully, your job is understanding.

I'm sorry you had to go through all this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
First of all, if I have nurses, etc. come in ungowned, I ask where the droplet precautions are. I explain that I have MRSA and that gets the ball rolling. I have to say that I like it in PEDS better because they know what to expect with CFers, where the adult ward I have to teach them. Definitely, it tries your patience when you are already feeling less than par.

Anyway, I wanted to respond about the steroids and blood sugar. When I am on Prednisone, my sugars sky rocket. My doctor ups my dose and we do a sliding scale, too. Mostly it's trial and error, but I figure if it's only a few days, I can deal. If it's longer, I'd be more concerned.

I always go back to work with my IV drugs. Sometimes I have a drug every six hours and have to do one during lunch. Hopefully, your job is understanding.

I'm sorry you had to go through all this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
First of all, if I have nurses, etc. come in ungowned, I ask where the droplet precautions are. I explain that I have MRSA and that gets the ball rolling. I have to say that I like it in PEDS better because they know what to expect with CFers, where the adult ward I have to teach them. Definitely, it tries your patience when you are already feeling less than par.
<br />
<br />Anyway, I wanted to respond about the steroids and blood sugar. When I am on Prednisone, my sugars sky rocket. My doctor ups my dose and we do a sliding scale, too. Mostly it's trial and error, but I figure if it's only a few days, I can deal. If it's longer, I'd be more concerned.
<br />
<br />I always go back to work with my IV drugs. Sometimes I have a drug every six hours and have to do one during lunch. Hopefully, your job is understanding.
<br />
<br />I'm sorry you had to go through all this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">