

New member
i am currently in love and i am afrraid to death to loose it, we both have C.F. and he dont realize the things that could happen(not health wise) that could pull us apart, i dont wanna ever lose him


New member
Im happy for you that youre happy but how else what other stuff would pull you apart? If you are truly in love with him then you should look at everything positive in your relationship right now and know that you will always be together.......then take a minute to look at anything wrong or bad in your relationship if there is any and know that no matter what you go through you will always stick together and never have to worry about losing him.....SAMYANTHA


New member
i am in love but she does not realize it i dont know wat i would do if i lost her. top make things worse she keeps tryin to kill herself. i need help can someone give me some advice?


New member
Hey CFboy. I know what youre going through...Ive gone through it myself.....But y is she trying to kill herself...? The only way to help her stop that is to make sure she knows that other ppl (you) in this world love her and that she is just going through a rough time...Make sure she knows that its not worth her life no matter what it is....and you keep your head up and tell her how you feel. good luck.


New member
i don't mean this in an offensive way, but if someone "keeps" trying to kill themselves without suceeding, then they are only doing it for attention. if someone really wants to kill themselves, then they will suceed one way or another. i'm not saying this girl is a bad person, she may just need someone to talk to or is going thru a rough time or she could just be a drama queen.