Low blood sugars without CFRD


New member
Does anyone have any epxerience with low blood sugars without CFRD. My 10 year old daughter wore a continous blood glucose monitor for 7 days. It did show a few spikes of high blood sugar but they were more concerned with her low blood sugar levels. During the night between 2-6 am she is averaging levels in the low 40s. Right now we are treating with a bedtime snack that includes carbs with protien and fat. The drs couldn't give me a reason for why she drops so low. Does anyone have an idea? She will also have lows after breakfast but by about her mid morning snack (9:30) she is in the normal range until about 2 am. Thanks,


New member
Does anyone have any epxerience with low blood sugars without CFRD. My 10 year old daughter wore a continous blood glucose monitor for 7 days. It did show a few spikes of high blood sugar but they were more concerned with her low blood sugar levels. During the night between 2-6 am she is averaging levels in the low 40s. Right now we are treating with a bedtime snack that includes carbs with protien and fat. The drs couldn't give me a reason for why she drops so low. Does anyone have an idea? She will also have lows after breakfast but by about her mid morning snack (9:30) she is in the normal range until about 2 am. Thanks,


New member
Does anyone have any epxerience with low blood sugars without CFRD. My 10 year old daughter wore a continous blood glucose monitor for 7 days. It did show a few spikes of high blood sugar but they were more concerned with her low blood sugar levels. During the night between 2-6 am she is averaging levels in the low 40s. Right now we are treating with a bedtime snack that includes carbs with protien and fat. The drs couldn't give me a reason for why she drops so low. Does anyone have an idea? She will also have lows after breakfast but by about her mid morning snack (9:30) she is in the normal range until about 2 am. Thanks,


New member
Does she take long acting insulin? If so its probably that shes taking too much of it. I had that problem as well...she could also if shes taking Lantus, switch to Levemir, which peaks at a different time and drops off in 17hrs rather than lasting a full 24hrs.


New member
Does she take long acting insulin? If so its probably that shes taking too much of it. I had that problem as well...she could also if shes taking Lantus, switch to Levemir, which peaks at a different time and drops off in 17hrs rather than lasting a full 24hrs.


New member
Does she take long acting insulin? If so its probably that shes taking too much of it. I had that problem as well...she could also if shes taking Lantus, switch to Levemir, which peaks at a different time and drops off in 17hrs rather than lasting a full 24hrs.
<br />


New member
Hi Amy,

I am seeing an endocrinologist right now for the same issue. My CF doctor thought my low blood sugar issue was not CF-related, which is why he send me to an endo. However, I am 99.999999% sure it's CF-related because of how many people on here I have found, like your daughter, who have the same issues.

I also do not have CFRD. My blood sugar drops in the late morning though, usually 2 hrs after I eat breakfast. Lately it's been dropping later in the day as well. So to fix it, I just eat something every 2 hours. I try to eat high carbs (wheat) and protein and low sugar things to keep my sugars stable.

My endocrinologist is having me come in for a morning blood sugar test, where I eat a sugary breakfast and then they will monitor my sugars until they drop below 50. They will then take some blood tests related to the pancreas. My past blood works shows I'm secreting an abnormal amount of insulin. He said the only other explanation (other than CF) would be a mass in the pancreas. But I know in my gut this is just another CF pancreas-related issue that we deal with where we do secrete too much insulin.

Well, definitely let me know if your daughter's CF doctor finds out anything on why that's happening to her - I'd love to know.

Take care!


New member
Hi Amy,

I am seeing an endocrinologist right now for the same issue. My CF doctor thought my low blood sugar issue was not CF-related, which is why he send me to an endo. However, I am 99.999999% sure it's CF-related because of how many people on here I have found, like your daughter, who have the same issues.

I also do not have CFRD. My blood sugar drops in the late morning though, usually 2 hrs after I eat breakfast. Lately it's been dropping later in the day as well. So to fix it, I just eat something every 2 hours. I try to eat high carbs (wheat) and protein and low sugar things to keep my sugars stable.

My endocrinologist is having me come in for a morning blood sugar test, where I eat a sugary breakfast and then they will monitor my sugars until they drop below 50. They will then take some blood tests related to the pancreas. My past blood works shows I'm secreting an abnormal amount of insulin. He said the only other explanation (other than CF) would be a mass in the pancreas. But I know in my gut this is just another CF pancreas-related issue that we deal with where we do secrete too much insulin.

Well, definitely let me know if your daughter's CF doctor finds out anything on why that's happening to her - I'd love to know.

Take care!


New member
Hi Amy,
<br />
<br />I am seeing an endocrinologist right now for the same issue. My CF doctor thought my low blood sugar issue was not CF-related, which is why he send me to an endo. However, I am 99.999999% sure it's CF-related because of how many people on here I have found, like your daughter, who have the same issues.
<br />
<br />I also do not have CFRD. My blood sugar drops in the late morning though, usually 2 hrs after I eat breakfast. Lately it's been dropping later in the day as well. So to fix it, I just eat something every 2 hours. I try to eat high carbs (wheat) and protein and low sugar things to keep my sugars stable.
<br />
<br />My endocrinologist is having me come in for a morning blood sugar test, where I eat a sugary breakfast and then they will monitor my sugars until they drop below 50. They will then take some blood tests related to the pancreas. My past blood works shows I'm secreting an abnormal amount of insulin. He said the only other explanation (other than CF) would be a mass in the pancreas. But I know in my gut this is just another CF pancreas-related issue that we deal with where we do secrete too much insulin.
<br />
<br />Well, definitely let me know if your daughter's CF doctor finds out anything on why that's happening to her - I'd love to know.
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<br />Take care!


New member
Leah: Thank you so much for your input. I am reassured that there are others who have low blood sugar issues and not just high blood sugars. I will let you know if we find any other cause for it (besides having CF). Only clue they gave me was that her pancrease maybe can't regulate the amount of insulin it secrets. Sometimes too much and sometimes not enough. Right now we are just in an observation mode and treating with frequent small meals. Before we started my daughter on regular snacks she had 2 episodes where she almost fainted at school. Hope your testing goes well and is insightful. Thanks again, Amy


New member
Leah: Thank you so much for your input. I am reassured that there are others who have low blood sugar issues and not just high blood sugars. I will let you know if we find any other cause for it (besides having CF). Only clue they gave me was that her pancrease maybe can't regulate the amount of insulin it secrets. Sometimes too much and sometimes not enough. Right now we are just in an observation mode and treating with frequent small meals. Before we started my daughter on regular snacks she had 2 episodes where she almost fainted at school. Hope your testing goes well and is insightful. Thanks again, Amy


New member
Leah: Thank you so much for your input. I am reassured that there are others who have low blood sugar issues and not just high blood sugars. I will let you know if we find any other cause for it (besides having CF). Only clue they gave me was that her pancrease maybe can't regulate the amount of insulin it secrets. Sometimes too much and sometimes not enough. Right now we are just in an observation mode and treating with frequent small meals. Before we started my daughter on regular snacks she had 2 episodes where she almost fainted at school. Hope your testing goes well and is insightful. Thanks again, Amy