Lump under arm near port


New member
Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.


New member
Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.


New member
Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.


New member
Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.


New member
Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.