lung clearance


New member
Okay so I'm 27 you would think I would have a hold on this by
now...but.....occasionally when I'm doing my lung clearance and
being all good and productive (yeah me) somewhere in the midst of
coughing and spitting, some wires get crossed and I get that oh so
familiar feeling to vomit. Now usually I can take deep breathes and
get it under control-  Since I hate to lose a valuable meal-
But it makes it hard to continue with clearance because once that
gag thing gets going it tends to keep creeping back up.....Does
anyone else have this issue?  Anyone have tips?


New member
Count me in. I've puked so many times in my life, i cannot count. Usually happens after excercise...smoky areas with coffee...and plain old good coughing.

Just don't do clearance on a full stomach. Try to do it first thing in the morning, so when or if you do puke, it's mostly plegm.


New member
I've had that happen, to where Im doing my vest and I cough too hard then, I have that want to throw up feeling. All i do is stop coughing. Cause 99% of the time I make myself cough so that way I can try and move at least some mucous around.



New member
Yup, I have that problem quite often.  My only method for
dealing with it is just as Ender said.  I usually do my
therapy before I eat in the morning.  I might be starving when
its over, but at least I don't heave it all back up.  At
dinner time, I make sure I do it at least 2 hours after eating.
 That way there's less of a chance of losing everything I just


Digital opinion leader
Morning coughing= puke in my house.

Its worse if they have allergies or sinus junk because of the post-nasal drip.


New member
I get that a lot, but amusingly, it has happened the most during both of my pregnancies - I wondered if the strain on my innards wasn't part of the problem...though I have had it without as well. I just have to take deep breaths and stay very still. Trust me though, I have puked plenty while coughing. yuk.


New member
During my CF lung years, I did not have this problem too often. I tried not to cough too hard or else I would want to throw up. For some reason I was able to cough it out well without struggling too hard.

when I was going out on a date (someone new) I would get nervous and throw up before the date lol Luckily it was hours before hand. If I did not throw up then I did not like the guy too much. lol so my throwing up was a good sign.

I do remember rubbing under my nose above my lip right in the middle if I would feel like throwing up if I was sick with a virus. I found out years later that this is a meridian for this type of problem.

During my period If I get where I want to lose my food I rub this area and it stops me from the feeling of losing it.

I feel for you guys who have this often. do you think you are coughing too hard?
I remember sneezing more in the morning than wanting to throw up from an uncontrollable cough. Sometimes I would have a tickle and cough and cough until it stopped.


New member
I get that problem as well. I'll have a good cough going and then boom - gag city. I find its easier to handle on an empty stomach. Do your physio first thing when you wake up, and just before bed a few hours after you've eaten supper, and an hour before you have a night time snack.


New member
Reece also is in this boat. It never fails especially if I just unhooked him from his milk & he does his vest. Most recently the last 2 Sunday mornings....thought he was all clear & BAM all over his sunday now I've been keeping a change of clothes in the van.

Eases my mind that hes' not the only one.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
add me to this list. It happens to me often too. When I go to the doctor and tell him I've been vomitting, his first question is "was it cough enduced?" I usually try not to do my vest/CPT or nebs after eating, I let my food digest for a few hours. If it still happens (with food or post nasel drip), I take deep breaths to get it under control, take a 5-15 minute break from my treatment. If it gets too bad, I will take a fourth or half of a phenergan (okay by doc) to control the extreme nausea feeling, but that is the last resort.