Lung Flute


New member
Has anyone here heard of the lung flute? It is awaiting FDA aproval for therapeutic use in the US, and will only cost $40 if your insurance denies you. I saw it in Popular Science and thought it was interesting. It was invented for COPD, but what it does is when you blow into it, it causes vibrations in your lungs, (like CPT) and helps move the mucus up. I have a CF baby, so obviously we cannot use this yet, but I had not heard of it before and wondered if the CF community is aware of it. Here is the website : <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I am liking how it is disposable....less to worry about! I am always paranoid about boiling, cleaning, soaking, etc. my nebulizers and acapella. A use and toss would be nice.


New member
I'm with the company that makes the Lung Flute. Actually it is a different technology. There is a Pediatric CF clinic that has had patients on it for over 9 months. Very happy with the results. To operate the Lung Flute you only need to have enough force to blow out a single candle. Very different from the Acapella and Flutter.
Also, only one device and no settings. If your CF clinic would like to touch base with the one that has been trialing the product I can connect them.