Lung function.


New member
Well Sophie had her port flushed today and I'd asked her nurse if it would be possible to do a cheeky little lung function while we were there.

She said sure, and then asked why...

I then had to confess id stopped the hypertonic saline. I did have my reasons though!

Soph developed a viral thing and ended up on orals with a horrendous bark. A cough she's never really had before. Strained and very wheezy. No amount of ventolin was curbing it so I figured that we already had an inkling the saline was causing irritation so I basically culled it.

Since stopping, her wheezing has stopped, her breathlessness has gone and she no longer sounds like darth vadar!

So, port flush was done with exceptional ease. She just sits on my lap and doesn't really murmur now-it's incredible!

Prior to her port flush she did her lung function. Best of three.

Now if you remember her previous results were as follows.......

To read the rest and view all the pics pop on over to my main blog!

Thank you! (L)
