Lung Transplant

Does most adults that have cystic fibrosis have to get a lung transplant at some point in there life ?That's one of my biggest fears is to have to get a lung transplant .


New member
Kelli, Not every CF person needs a lung transplant. There are CFers who are in their 50-70's with no lung transplant. All depends on how you progress. Sticking with treatments, and therapies can help. Exercising can help. And hopefullly the new meds that they are working on will stop the need for transplant some day.But if you should come to that point in your life where your health has taken such a decline, and the two choices are death or transplant, then you will of course think it over.I truly think that when you are not in need of lungs, now or in the near future, that is almost impossible to think about lung transplant in an "up" way. Why think about it, if you don't need it. Even when you need it, you will tend to put it off for a little while. Human denial... isn't it great.Lung transplant is a scarey prospect for anyone... you are not alone. I was scared when my doctor said those words. I had so many fears. You think about it, learn about it and you start to move along the process. You realize you are not ready to die, so what the heck, go for it, it most likely will work..I am now 6.5 years post lung tx, and my sister is 3 years post lung tx. Believe me, she and I never dreamed we would need this or imagine we would do it... but life is good and we wanted to be healthy for a change.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I also have a web site for Pre and POst tx folks, I can tell you about that. And we are going to have a CF chat on Thursday, Jan 22nd. You might like to come to that as well. Take careJoanne Schum


New member
My husband is being put on the list for a double lung tx. The wait at our clinic is 1.5 years. We just heard about a lady that is only 2nd on the list and she was put on just a month ago at another hopsital (Chicago), although she is going for one lung. My request - please share the waiting times you know for sure at different clinics. Indianapolis is 1.5 years, and how critical you are doesn't matter, you just wait your turn to move up. We are wondering if we should go for more than one hospital, if they share the pre-tx test results, etc.Thanks!