lung transplants


New member
does anyone here have info on lung transplants. like do u even
think it is worth it to have them? well i need alot of advice so if
anyone can help me or needs to chat about something else just
private message me.


New member
i have done some research about transplants, and most sources say
that each patient handles the transplant differently. There can be
good results and bad results. Personally im not sure if i would
ever want one, that's just my opinion though.


New member

I had a lung transplant 9 years ago, doing well. I have had some friends die post lung transplant, some living 10 years, some 5 years... but I think what is important to keep in mind is that 5 or 10 years they had, they were CF free and able to live some dreams that could not be attained before they got new lungs. Then again, even healthy people die, so dying can scare you not to get it, but then everyone on this earth should be scared to live and die.

I have a web site, feel free to check it out. It is a support group for those who are pre or post lung transplant.

I am curious, has your CF doctor mentioned lung transplant to you?

Most times, people who have CF, have no interest, do not want one when their health is good... only when you deteriorate do you start to consider it.

Joanne Schum
My web site <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
thanks ill look at that website. i appreciate you taking time out
to help me. i am not scared of death i just dont want to go through
another surgery and a major one like that. also when i was doing
research it said at almost every site i went to that it only gives
the patient about two extra years. i dont know if thats true but
two extra years isnt really that much to me. so i look forward to
checking out your web site thank you alot.


New member
the 2 years is a vast estimate they get. i have heard from several people post transplant....anyone can help me on this one. that their transplant teams say that cfers have a better chance of extending those 2 years for several reasons. one mainly being we are used to going to doctors all the time and taking meds so we are more complaint....and being complaint has alot to do with how well your post transplant time is.


New member
the 2 years is a vast estimate they get. i have heard from several people post transplant....anyone can help me on this one. that their transplant teams say that cfers have a better chance of extending those 2 years for several reasons. one mainly being we are used to going to doctors all the time and taking meds so we are more complaint....and being complaint has alot to do with how well your post transplant time is.


New member
I will say that all the lung transplant folks that I know have lived a long time. I lived ten years with my first set and if I did not get retransplanted I would have lived probably two or three years more. One never knows.
Take care


New member
There are several reports, and researchs that have been completed on "who does better post lung tx". CFers do seem to do better. You named a couple of the reasons 1. We are use to taking meds, going to the doc and being compliant. 2. We lived our life taking care of ourself, trying to stay healthy - rather than other illnesses that receive a lung tx who smoked their way to new lungs 3. Our age tends to be younger than other lung illnesses. Many other possible reasons - we don't have the heart damage that emphysema patients may have.

I am almost 9 years post lung tx and I do not forsee myself needing a retransplant anytime soon. They keep discoverying new drugs... I say keep going.

Joanne Schum