Lyme's Disease


New member

My darling little 8 year old boy was just diagnosed with lyme's disease on top of CF. It has been a bad year for us. It anyone has any experience with CF and lyme's, please let me know. We are unsure how far the lyme's disease has progressed. The screenings were positive, but the Western block was inconclusive, positive in some bands and not in others. Not sure if the anibiotic he had been on for the 10 days prior gave the mixed results or if it it early stages. Going by symptoms for the past 7 weeks, I would guess antibiotics.

Thank you.



New member
I would be happy to share my experience with Lyme. I have recovered from advanced Lyme and am the mother of two children - one with CF. Most importantly, you want to see a Lyme literate physician to treat most effectively. You can reach me at Thanks and know there is a lot of hope.