hey all!
I know some of you here culture m. abscessus or have kiddos that do. I remember reading that those of you that do, get fevers (or have in the past) like me. Well, I am currently doing IVs for this infection. I've been on these IVs since October of this passed year (and got my first port for this very reason). I am currenly on cefoxitin and tigecycline IVs and avalox (oral). I had a period of time around january where I thought things were looking up. I was feeling better, my CT scans were coming back showing improvement and I actually had a negative smear (I've always had positive cultures though). Well, about a month ago I woke up feeling like the last several months full of IVs had not even happened. I woke up junky and feverish and oh so crappy feeling. Now, we're still sticking with these IVs while my latest culture gets sent to texas for more sensitivities. It came back positive for m. abscessus this time (so did the smear). I've been getting fevers off an on for the last couple weeks now and they are so draining! I'm useless on days that I have fevers as they start from the moment I wake up and seem to last all day. Do you guys that culture m. abscessus get fevers often? How do you deal with them?
I'm at the point where I feel like I need to stop working. I really can't afford to quit my job, but at the same time, I don't get much done going to work with temps in the 100s...or calling off because they're really bad and I'm super sick. I am currently in school for histology and have two semesters left. I wonder if I should worry myself with finishing because I don't know that I could work in a lab with constant fevers. I worry about how I will handle my last semester which is where I will be doing clinicals (every day for 8 hours training in a hospital lab). I don't want to up and quit everything I'm doing, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle...at least for right now until we maybe find abx that work better.
Everything I've been told or have read also says that these abx can't really get rid of it...just keep it at bay. I'm suddenly afraid that this is what will end me, and because of that, I have less and less desire to get stressed about having to go to work with a fever, or study for a test when the only energy I have should be spared for something else. How can I deal with this? I'm scared and irritated.
Any suggestions?
I know some of you here culture m. abscessus or have kiddos that do. I remember reading that those of you that do, get fevers (or have in the past) like me. Well, I am currently doing IVs for this infection. I've been on these IVs since October of this passed year (and got my first port for this very reason). I am currenly on cefoxitin and tigecycline IVs and avalox (oral). I had a period of time around january where I thought things were looking up. I was feeling better, my CT scans were coming back showing improvement and I actually had a negative smear (I've always had positive cultures though). Well, about a month ago I woke up feeling like the last several months full of IVs had not even happened. I woke up junky and feverish and oh so crappy feeling. Now, we're still sticking with these IVs while my latest culture gets sent to texas for more sensitivities. It came back positive for m. abscessus this time (so did the smear). I've been getting fevers off an on for the last couple weeks now and they are so draining! I'm useless on days that I have fevers as they start from the moment I wake up and seem to last all day. Do you guys that culture m. abscessus get fevers often? How do you deal with them?
I'm at the point where I feel like I need to stop working. I really can't afford to quit my job, but at the same time, I don't get much done going to work with temps in the 100s...or calling off because they're really bad and I'm super sick. I am currently in school for histology and have two semesters left. I wonder if I should worry myself with finishing because I don't know that I could work in a lab with constant fevers. I worry about how I will handle my last semester which is where I will be doing clinicals (every day for 8 hours training in a hospital lab). I don't want to up and quit everything I'm doing, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle...at least for right now until we maybe find abx that work better.
Everything I've been told or have read also says that these abx can't really get rid of it...just keep it at bay. I'm suddenly afraid that this is what will end me, and because of that, I have less and less desire to get stressed about having to go to work with a fever, or study for a test when the only energy I have should be spared for something else. How can I deal with this? I'm scared and irritated.
Any suggestions?