Major Sinus Issues- Milk??


New member
My daughter had both skin testing and RAST for milk at 8 months. She had RAST at 10 days as well, but was to young for skin tests then.


New member
My daughter had both skin testing and RAST for milk at 8 months. She had RAST at 10 days as well, but was to young for skin tests then.


New member
My daughter had both skin testing and RAST for milk at 8 months. She had RAST at 10 days as well, but was to young for skin tests then.


New member
My daughter had both skin testing and RAST for milk at 8 months. She had RAST at 10 days as well, but was to young for skin tests then.


New member
My daughter had both skin testing and RAST for milk at 8 months. She had RAST at 10 days as well, but was to young for skin tests then.


Is the RAST skin testing?
He has skin testing done for a penicillen allergy and was negative which was good. I just don't know if these sinus issues are all CF or other stuff too...



Is the RAST skin testing?
He has skin testing done for a penicillen allergy and was negative which was good. I just don't know if these sinus issues are all CF or other stuff too...



Is the RAST skin testing?
He has skin testing done for a penicillen allergy and was negative which was good. I just don't know if these sinus issues are all CF or other stuff too...



Is the RAST skin testing?
He has skin testing done for a penicillen allergy and was negative which was good. I just don't know if these sinus issues are all CF or other stuff too...



Is the RAST skin testing?
<br />He has skin testing done for a penicillen allergy and was negative which was good. I just don't know if these sinus issues are all CF or other stuff too...
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<br />Megan


New member
Hi agree with the PP. They can skin test young children. My DD (no cf) was skin tested at 26 months and started allergy shots a month later. RAST testing is a blood test. Also, does your DS, or has he ever had reflux?? We found out my DS had silent reflux that was contributing to his sinus problems. His sinuses are still bad but we've been able to avoid another surgery with the combo of allergy & reflux meds, nasal steroids, allergy shots, and nasal rinses.


New member
Hi agree with the PP. They can skin test young children. My DD (no cf) was skin tested at 26 months and started allergy shots a month later. RAST testing is a blood test. Also, does your DS, or has he ever had reflux?? We found out my DS had silent reflux that was contributing to his sinus problems. His sinuses are still bad but we've been able to avoid another surgery with the combo of allergy & reflux meds, nasal steroids, allergy shots, and nasal rinses.


New member
Hi agree with the PP. They can skin test young children. My DD (no cf) was skin tested at 26 months and started allergy shots a month later. RAST testing is a blood test. Also, does your DS, or has he ever had reflux?? We found out my DS had silent reflux that was contributing to his sinus problems. His sinuses are still bad but we've been able to avoid another surgery with the combo of allergy & reflux meds, nasal steroids, allergy shots, and nasal rinses.


New member
Hi agree with the PP. They can skin test young children. My DD (no cf) was skin tested at 26 months and started allergy shots a month later. RAST testing is a blood test. Also, does your DS, or has he ever had reflux?? We found out my DS had silent reflux that was contributing to his sinus problems. His sinuses are still bad but we've been able to avoid another surgery with the combo of allergy & reflux meds, nasal steroids, allergy shots, and nasal rinses.


New member
Hi agree with the PP. They can skin test young children. My DD (no cf) was skin tested at 26 months and started allergy shots a month later. RAST testing is a blood test. Also, does your DS, or has he ever had reflux?? We found out my DS had silent reflux that was contributing to his sinus problems. His sinuses are still bad but we've been able to avoid another surgery with the combo of allergy & reflux meds, nasal steroids, allergy shots, and nasal rinses.


New member
yes, i think it's wierd but the less milk she drinks the better her cough & sinuses are....i limit her dairy intake at all after a certain time & this includes yogurt. I still think it's wierd but hey, it works.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>mneville</b></i>

Did stopping the milk at 4 help any?</end quote></div>


New member
yes, i think it's wierd but the less milk she drinks the better her cough & sinuses are....i limit her dairy intake at all after a certain time & this includes yogurt. I still think it's wierd but hey, it works.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>mneville</b></i>

Did stopping the milk at 4 help any?</end quote></div>


New member
yes, i think it's wierd but the less milk she drinks the better her cough & sinuses are....i limit her dairy intake at all after a certain time & this includes yogurt. I still think it's wierd but hey, it works.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>mneville</b></i>

Did stopping the milk at 4 help any?</end quote></div>


New member
yes, i think it's wierd but the less milk she drinks the better her cough & sinuses are....i limit her dairy intake at all after a certain time & this includes yogurt. I still think it's wierd but hey, it works.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>mneville</b></i>

Did stopping the milk at 4 help any?</end quote>


New member
yes, i think it's wierd but the less milk she drinks the better her cough & sinuses are....i limit her dairy intake at all after a certain time & this includes yogurt. I still think it's wierd but hey, it works.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>mneville</b></i>
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<br />Did stopping the milk at 4 help any?</end quote>
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