make 'em laugh...


New member
<span style=" font-family: Verdana;">So I just thought it would be
fun to hear some of every ones <i>not so sucky</i> stories
about their more memorable moments in lock down.<br>
Here's on of mine:<br>
<span style=" font-family: Verdana;">I once entertained myself in
the hospital with a super soaker.  See I had been "locked
up" for about 2 weeks when my Church youth leader was making
his weekly visit with the group when he had the most inspired idea
of bringing me a Super Soaker.  God Bless him.  I was of
course feeling quite energetic and more than a little hemmed in by
this point and after having people walk in my room - day
and night, without knocking or announcing themselves, poking,
prodding and asking any kind of personal question (no matter
who was in the room of course) for two weeks.  I don't have to
tell you how heaven sent the super soaker appeared to me, I was
about 16 I should mention.  I filled that bad boy up and
proceeded to torment everyone who attempted to enter my room
uninvited or unwanted for days on end.  i usually spared my
nurses, because I needed them of course and they are usually nice.
 the students got soaked without remorse and the RT's I went
so far as to actually hunt.  yes I stealthily tracked RT's
with my super soaker, particularly at night.  I would nail
them a RUN!  And let me tell you I know the way around my
hospital, I can disappear in a flash.  So I happened to be
tormenting 2 of my more favored RT's (I liked to think of them as
Ren and Stimpy) for about 2 days when on their 3rd night, and last
night for a few days they "knocked" on my door, I was
thinking "ahh, beautiful success, they can be Trained!"
so I, like a pansy, said "come in" they had garbed from
head to toe in surgical scrubs and filled the largest syringes
available and they opened fire on me while I was in my bed I was
stunned speechless for about 30 seconds before I lept off my bed
and yelled "it is soooo on" and the chased them into the
hall with my gun in hot pursuit of the attackers, we ended up
having a shoot out at about 2 am in the hallways with the nurses
watching and laughing from their station.  we soaked the
floors, they had to call the janitor.  It was great, we then
made our way to the cafeteria for mashed potatoes and gravy.
 They were a lot of fun.  They really helped take the
edge off.  Being in the hospital sucks and while I wish I
would never had to have learned to survive in the medical sub
culture that we all know exists, i have to say once in a while I
meet some really quality people.<br>
Share, share my peeps!


New member
Hah Debbie that was cute. I love it.

<b>My story is a little adult-themed. You are all warned.</b>

My last two hospitalizations inpatient, Mike stayed with me the whole time. I was only in for 2 or 3 days both times, so Mike was able to stay. We were in a children's hospital, but were 18 and 20 at the time. I had a really nice nurse, who had had a brother with CF who died. We kind of joked with her on and off. Then one of nights, I asked her if there was any way we could get a "do not disturb" sign. I made sure to tell her that yes, we were in a children's hospital, but were adults with adult needs. Hahaha. My room had a curtain and a door, and the door had glass in it, as well as windows next to it that you could see through. So the curtain was all we really had for true privacy. (We had been walked in on in compromising positions before). She laughed really hard, and told us that she'd be the only one coming in for a few hours, so she'd just leave us be until the curtain was opened again. She then told me I reminded her of her brother, because he always pulled really funny sh*t in the hospital. So then, she left and we closed the curtain. We had our fun, and then opened the curtain back up, and the next time she came in, she was still laughing at us. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
when i was in the hosital actually it was this time me and my mom was play foose ball or something and she wasnt very good at games at all but i mever seen her play any game that good she beat me over and over agin so i made the excuse that the gloves made me lose cause they were sweaty i love playin games with my mom


New member
I was much like Emily....An adult on a peds floor with adult needs. I had been in the hospital for 2 weeks & awaiting my c section to deliver my daughter. Hubby came for a visit & I informed my nurses that we needed some alone time so they stood watch of the door. It was one of the most spontaneous & awesome experiences of my life. I figured it would be awhile before either of us could enjoy it so lets get it on.....This was the day before I delivered! Also when I was a kid & CFers could room together I had an awesome friend named Caroline. We always seemed to end up in the hospital at the same times. I played keyboard & had a portable one that my parents would bring to the hospital for me. Caroline & I would go into the area of the Nurses station & set up. I would play & she would procede to get the group dancing. This would include other CFers, kids of all ages, Nurses & occaisiaionally any poor victim that happened to be passing by! It always lifted everyones spritis! Ahh....the good old days!


Digital opinion leader
When my kids go in for a routine clean-out we bring a nerf basketball hoop for behind the door. They ask everyone to play and have even gotten PTs to play a hard game of bball instead of CPT. We have to put a warning sign on the door because many people have gotten whacked coming in.

Once, when the boys were in together, we pushed the beds against the walls and had a full court game. The poor patients on the other side must have thought we were tearing up the room.


New member
i have two short ones. I always had fun with nurses when i was in the hospital one of my faves is gretchen. We used to have milk and tea parties in the playroom and do each others hair and nails. known her since i was a baby. i would offen wake up and find her sitting next to me when i came in for a clean out. Then i would have wheel chair races with the docs. I would even take off from one end of the hall and run full speed at my doc because he was extremely tall and bald and i would smack him on his bald spot. docs nearly killed over laughing.

Second is= i would play assistant i would sit at the desk and answer the phone i would say "childrens hospital floor ? patient speaking how may i help you" and everyone went along with it. For long time i wanted to be a nurse at the cf ward in childrens hospital in columbus.


New member
I had gone in for a bronchoscopy and the nurse we were dealing with was awful - meaning so serious and boring. She refused to lighten up - we had tried jokes we had tried just plain being nice and nothing not even a smile. Then we figured to heck with it - we are going to have fun while we are waiting. So we are joking and relaxing and she starts filling out my paper work. Then she goes okay and you know what procedure you are here for correct. I go "yes" and she says okay just sign here and we can start the IV for meds for the bronchoscopy. I dropped the pen and go "Bronchoscopy - I am here for lypo and breast augmentation!" My mom and fiance busted out laughing (I am 5'7" and weigh like 105-110lbs - I am not a candidate for lypo) to everyone else it was obvious I was joking. I just looked at her and said I am kidding and I signed it. She then proceeded to reprimand me saying "this is no laughing matter - this is serious - I can't believe you would joke about something like that!" No matter what we couldn't get her to relax - oh well we had a good laugh over it all.



New member
A couple of days ago, Mike played a trick on his nurses. He is really particular about where he puts every little thing in his room and he heard that the nurses were plotting to mess up his things to freak him out. He has a laptop in his room with a web cam, which he told them wasn't on unless it showed on the screen (not true). He went into the shower and the nurses came in and switched things around. Mike watched the video and printed out compromising pictures of the nurses, guiltily moving things and taped them up in their locker room <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Also, he is in the children's hospital too, and luckily has a private bathroom with a lock for "adult needs". ;-)