making cf "extinct"


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making cf "extinct

janjoe: actually in the UK not all babies are tested at birth - only in certain health authorities is this the case. There are moves to test nationally, but it hasn't happened yet...


New member
making cf "extinct

oh i didn't realize that. when my son was diagnosed the dr. asked us if we were annoyed that he wasn't diagnosed at birth.( he missed screening by 2 or 3 months) this is in wales by the way where they do test at birth. we really were not annoyed, the way we saw it was we had 6 yrs "enjoyment of him" without a care in the world. i cannot say if he had been screened at birth whether it would have made any difference to his health. i'm still learning all about cf. i know he's a happy child though. spoilt rotten too.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take care! janet<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
making cf "extinct

Definately make a point there Katy. I wasn't thinking about the big picture, I was just thinking about my experiences in the healthcare field- mainly in the military where that testing is available. Very true that for every family who does have access to the testing, there is at least one, if not more who does not.